As for your "not so desirable" poster (Galaxina) at:
its been relisted!
But thats not why I am writing.
My wife, alarmed at my growing collection of posters, started asking me, whenever a flat box arrived, are you ever going to put that up?  What she really meant was: You are never putting that up in THIS house.  The photos on eBay have really effected my buying habits -- and I suspect others as well. 
Gone are the (wax nostalgic) days of pouring through MCW to buy posters based solely on the quality of the stars/movies.  Now I get to see what it looks like -- and I get to compare it with 1000 other items competing with my money every day.  Not to mention, if you check the listings every day (possible only with broadband IMHO) for a couple of months, you will get a feel for how rare an item is. 
So, my belief is, that I am a pretty normal guy (at least with respect to poster collecting).  And that suggests that if it doesn't look pretty good, and it isn't a pretty watchable film, and it doesn't have some recognizable star, and if MY wife wouldn't put on the wall, its junk and you should toss it in circular file.  Thats my theory as to why the market for a vast majority of posters is in the toilet -- because a vast majority of the posters are crap.
Galaxina, on the hand, is awesome!  I'm bidding! 
Why Bruce can sell it and others cannot -- I suspect that its a marketing issue.  eBay is so cluttered with misfiled items, its difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.  I browse his easy-to-use gallery every week -- its great.  If I could to the poster listings and view them in that manner, and have ONLY original US poster displayed, I would be in heaven!
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