2 out of 5 of the nominees for best picture this year didn't go wide until 2005, that is true, but by all accounts those two were Sideways and Million Dollar Baby, not Million Dollar Baby and The Aviator.
Aviator actually went wide on Christmas Day to roughly 1,800 theaters, it has in the next weeks expanded a few more but 1,800 should be considered wide release by anyone's standards.
What about Sideways? Well, interesting enough, it didn't go wide until January 21. Where it finally broke the glass limited vs. wide release ceiling of 650 screen, approaching nearly 700. It had approached 500 screens a few times a few weeks earlier, but that wouldn't qualify as a wide release. Even now at less than 700 locations there's a large portion of the country that hasn't had the chance to see it locally, but most can see it regionally. The odd thing is that Sideways had already been in theaters for 13 weeks before going wide. That's a very rare thing, the only movie I know of that was in limited release for longer before expanding wide was My Big Fat Greek Wedding, in limited for 15 weeks.
Even Napoleon Dynamite when wide sooner.
You gonna eat those tator tots?
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