And don't forget the part about the "BS" !!!
Joe B.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.  Ay, caramba!)
> From: Scott Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/02/26 Sat PM 10:45:55 EST
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] courtesy first: tag your posts, please
> Well, it's not that I'm too much of a gentlemen to remind people of the MoPo
> "guidelines." Actually there are 2 things at work here: 1) I'm more lazy
> than I used to be; and 2) Pissing in the wind just gets you wet.
> In the early days of MoPo I was BIG on regular reminders. They made me feel
> powerful. They did little good.
> Therefore that explains my present-day laziness and why I'd rather not get
> wet. After 10 years I *have* learned a thing or two about running a
> listserv. :)
> But thanks JR for reminding everyone anyway (and actually checking out the
> MoPo FAQ!)
> Now everyone pay attention and do what JR asks. (I think I'm feeling a
> little damp...)
> Scott
>   _____
> From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of J R
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 12:28 PM
> Subject: [MOPO] courtesy first: tag your posts, please
> Y'all,
> Once again, since Scott is too much of a gentleman to say anything, and
> since no one harbors any such delusions about yours truly, I will step up to
> the plate with this reminder: MOPO has guidelines about "for auction" and
> "for sale" posts to this list. They specify certain restraints and
> limitations which are being violated by some sellers. They clearly state
> that an identifier like "FA" should appear as the first thing in the subject
> on a message publicizing an auction (FA stands for "for auction", of
> course). Some people use "FS" at the beginning of the subject to identify
> "for sale" (usually meaning it is not an auction, but a direct offer to the
> list). WTB should precede the subject on any want lists -- but people
> usually do that.
> But lately quite a few sellers have *stopped* putting the identifiers on
> their messages to the list... particularly those who like to post 2 and 3
> "FA" or "FS" messages per day, day after day. It is a discourtesy to the
> members of this list to consistently fail to put on these subject-line
> identifiers. Also, posting so many commercial messages per day is a
> violation of another guideline (see below)
> When I send through my once-per-week message to MOPO about the auctions on
> -- which always contains links to auctions offered by
> many different sellers, not just one -- instead of "FA" as the first thing
> in the subject, I use the identifier "Movie Poster Auctions:" just as a
> personal preference, but I do always put on the identifier as the first part
> of the subject. Some others use "Ending Soon:" or "Just Listed:" -- these
> are all acceptable since they do what the guidelines intended be done: Let
> readers know  at the start that "this is a commercial message".
> Now look, I'm not setting myself up as an "enforcer" of any kind here --
> only Scott has that option on this list -- but I think it's time to mention
> the guidelines again, since there are so many "FA" and "FS" posts lately
> which do not begin the subject line with any kind of identifier as they are
> supposed to.
> I think we all have to presume that Scott put these guidelines into place
> for a good reason and that he would like all of us to follow them. The
> guidelines can be found at:
> Two guidelines of particular note are (and I quote):
> "eBay Ads
> The popularity of the eBay auction site (see FAQ Section 5.2
> <> ), while being a bonanza to
> collectors, has created a problem on the MoPo. Overanxious eBay sellers
> flood the daily postings with ad referrals. PLEASE...if you must advertise
> your auction(s) do so in ONE message only. DO NOT list each auction item in
> a separate e-mail."
> And then there's the ever-popular identifier guideline:
> "When posting a message to the list make sure your Subject Line reflects the
> actual content of your posting. Try to use the following shorthand to help
> communicate more effectively:
> FS: For Sale
> FT: For Trade
> FA: For Auction
> WTB: Want to Buy
> An example of a subject line you would use for a message with One-Sheets for
> sale:
> FS: 1970's One-Sheets"
> So, c'mon folks. We all know there is no such thing as a level playing field
> where movie poster auctions and sales are concerned, but at least on this
> list there are established guidelines in place to promote the idea of
> fairness, restraint and courtesy being extended to all members of MOPO.
> The preceding has been a public service announcement from Poster Curmudgeons
> for a Better Tomorrow (a non-profit organization not affiliated with Poster
> Curmudgeons for The Advanced Study of UFOs). "It's Saturday afternoon on
> MOPO... do you know where your posters are?"
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