Thanks for sharing - be good if the Canadian Post Office let postal services around the world know about their latest requirements. Australia Post is just as bad. All international parcels have to have a sender  ID sticker attached which has  a specific number that IDs the sender based on the private info (such as  a driver's licence). Don't use the sticker and the parcel can be delayed for a month from shipping while it sits somewhere here in Australia and they wait for it to blow up... and if it does, then gather together all the fragments of the 2" orange sticker, presumably.
Phil Edwards Cinema Arts
26 Vista Avenue
Soldiers Point
NSW 2317
Phone: (International Dial) 0011 61 2 49847322
Phone:  (Domestic Dial) 02 4984 7322
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] New Mandatory Address Requirements for Canada

Found this,

Canada refuses all mail that does not conform to the new addressing requirements.


1. Addressee full first and last name must be spelled out; using "Grandma" or "Uncle" is no longer acceptable.
2. Sender full first and last name must be spelled out; "Grandma", "Santa" or "Uncle" is no longer acceptable.
3. The complete address of the sender, including ZIP Code and country of origin, must be shown in the upper left hand corner of the address side of the package, envelope or card.
4. Addresses to recipients in Canada must be printed -- preferably in ink or typewritten -- using capital letters.
5. The last line of the address must show only the country name, written in full, and in capital letters.
6. When a Canadian postal delivery zone number is included in the address, mailing requirements allow that number appear as the last line of the address.
7. Complete and legible customs declarations, including complete sender and addressee information along with required import documentation, must be provided to specifically identify the contents of any package. General descriptions such as "gift" or "present" are no longer acceptable.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 3:04 PM
Subject: [MOPO] New Mandatory Address Requirements for Canada

Are all MoPOers aware of the recently instituted mandatory addressing requirements on all mail sent to Canada??
A worker at my local post office gave me a inter-office bulletin outlining the new requirements, which begins with the following paragraph:
"Canada has instituted mandatory addressing requirements on all incoming mail. Canada is refusing all mail that does not conform to the new requirements and has been returning truckloads to us every day."
I've had two packages to Canada recently returned for no apparent reason. The culprit must have been the way the labels were addressed. Any other MoPoers have this experience recently??
Earl Blair
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