I'm in favor of the the built in snipe.


Subject: [MOPO] postscript - Stress Test Results
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 21:18:51 -0500

Well, that was fun... now I have to go do my taxes, which won't be.
But I have two notes on tonight's stress test:

1) Very funny foks, bidding Billions and Trillions of dollars in this
test... what some people won't do for a $10.00 credit voucher... Of
course, now we can never run another "stress test" again because the
next time everyone will just type in 999 Trillion dollars as the
maximum bid and only the first person to do it will have any chance of
winning. Hmmm... I wonder what the server would do with, say, 100
bids... each of which had a entered a maximum of 999 Trillion
dollars... no, I don't think I'll test that one. There is such a thing
as pressing your luck...

2) It seems a lot of people really wish there was an auction sniper
program that supported MPB. Well, what would you say to a sniping
function that was BUILT IN to the MPB auction site? Sound interesting?
... it would be easier to use, more reliable, and cheaper than a third
party sniping program would be -- and you wouldn't have to entrust
your user name and password to anyone. A show of hands, please... :)

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