This is the kind of response you don't want to get when you ask a seller some legitimate questions. While you did ask for a lot of information, rather than warn you off completely, he could have at least answered the easier ones and then said "this is all the information I have on the poster". The curt, blanket warning could be interpreted as a "Yes, I know this is a repro, which is why I am not even trying to answer some of your questions" or "You're more trouble than I want to deal with" -- either way, this is clearly a seller you don't want to purchase from.
Oh yeah, please note that the picture he is using in his auction is NOT his own -- you can see a bit of another website's mark at the very bottom right hand corner (I think it is "moviegoods"?), so he couldn't even be bothered to take his own picture (and then he has the nerve to state in the description that the "picture doesn't do this poster justice").  No, clearly someone to steer clear of, even if he does have over 600 feedbacks and 100% positive rating.
If the seller doesn't want to be bothered answering "all these questions" he could have easily included the information in his auction description to begin with (it's long enough).
Just as he does not consider it worth his while to "waste time on you" -- you should consider it not worth your while to waste time and MONEY on him.
P.S. -- Many people forget that U.S. Postal regulations *require* anyone who sells goods via the mails MUST offer a 30-day return policy. Ebay actually mentions this in their seller guidelines somewhere. I suppose if he is delivering via UPS or FEDEX he can get around that, but if he is using the U.S. Mails to deliver the item, he is required by law to take items back for 30-days and give a refund or credit (minus shipping and handling costs). There's also the fact that if he accepts PayPal he is subject to someone filing a "buyer complaint" within 30-days of purchase and PayPal will basically order him to refund the money or suffer a loss of PayPal privileges.
Even so, I would NEVER, no, not ever, buy from any seller who stated a "No Returns for any reason" policy. It's amazing this guy has a perfect feedback record with such a policy. I mean, even the best of sellers who do have return policies still pull in a rare negative feedback from some disgruntled buyer who can't be pleased no matter what.
But rather than identify such a dealer as a "bad seller perhaps it would be better to call someone like this an "uncooperative, rude and possibly suspect" seller -- which is more accurate to your experience with him.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
From: Planetbiz
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:26
Subject: [MOPO] Bill's Bad Seller UPDATE

DISCLAIMER:  This message contains information concerning my personal experience with this particular Seller.  It is not intended to be a wholesale condemnation of this Seller.  It’s possible that this Seller has had many positive transactions with the movie poster collecting community. 

However based upon my experience, I WILL NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER


Seller:   Ebay ID =         spookycyn

                                      Broomfield, CO


Items in Question: (Phantom Menace DS teaser OS) (ESB GWTW tri-fold OS)


I sent the Seller the following set of questions concerning these posters: (slightly customized for each poster)


Hi. I'm very interested in this poster as well as the ESB but would like to be assured of its authenticity as an original theatrical release poster. Will you please provide exact measurements? Can you provide a closeup picture of the bottom border of the poster? Can you confirm that it has a Lucas watermark? Are you able to provide the name of the dealer whom you purchased it from? Your no Refund/Return policy is troubling, will you guarantee that it is original and that any information provided is correct? Will you provide return/refund if the information turns out to not be exactly correct? THANK YOU, Bill


Here’s the Reply:


Hi Bill:

Please do not bid on this poster, you sound as though you do not trust anyone and quite frankly I don't think I want to do business with you.





The posters may in fact be legitimate, but why would I buy from a dealer with this type of response to my questions.  Yup I should trust this person, especially when he has the following Return policy (Not).

Absolutely NO REFUNDS, NO RETURNS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please bid responsibly.


Yours in Collecting,







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