You were probably OK. Most of the time the information would not have been captured until you hit a button to send it. To catch it before that, they would have to use some incredibly sophisticated keystroke capture technology. The thing everyone needs to remember is this:
No legitimate message from a site like eBay or PayPal or an internet bank will ever send you an unsolicited message with a link to click that will ask you for your secret log-in information. They just no longer do that, not for unsolicited email.
Now, if you do something that causes the message to be sent, like win an auction, then you will get an email with a link to click that will probably at some point ask for such info. Like if you click on a "Pay it now" link in a notice you received about winning an auction. But that's not an "unsolicited" email, that's one you expect to get. Even so, I never click on any such links in any emails anymore -- even if I've won the auction. There have been cases of spoofers sending bogus win notices to people.
These days if I get a message asking me to go to a site for some reason, I do it manually by myself -- I simply never click the links in emails anymore.
"...I used to wish that my computer were as easy to use as my phone.
    Now my wish has come true... I can't figure out how to use my phone, either".
    -- Rick Weiss
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 12:50
Subject: [MOPO] WARNING!! New E-Bay Scam!!

Fellow MoPoers:
After careful avoiding all previous spoof E-Bay mails to wrestle my user name and pass word, the one I received today, may have been successful. 
It appears to be a typical "Message from E-Bay member" query, but when you click on the link to the, it requests you user name and password instead of going directly to the listing. Though I initially filled in the in the information, I decided to check out the item number via E-bay's standard search. Imagine my surprise when the item turned out to be a laptop computer!!
I am not certain that the spoof captures the information once it is entered into the appropriate spaces, or whether the message must be sent in order to reveal the information. In any event, I changed my password immediately. If you've replied to a similar bogus message, I'd suggest you do the same.
Earl Blair
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