my TEST email to MOPO of a few minutes, was not acknowledged.  i have received one MOPO email overnight, which seems odd.  but still seems problematic.  ------but whilte writing this, i have been writing to MOPO, and have not had acknowledgements, so the problem exists.
the thought of speaking to aol technicians in india is revolting.  i have had too many horrible experiences, recently, with ATT, since they have out-sourced to India.  because i couldn't understand ATT indian reps, and experienced rudeness, lies lies, lies, lies and other problems, i simply switched my telephone service to verizon.  CHALLENGE TO ANYONE---call AT&T. ASK TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE AMERICAN IN THE USA.............good luck!!!    
after i canceled, i had a balance, and was then barraged with rude, arrogant assholes from ATT collection service................and guess where they were located????   INDIA.    their computers were automatically dialing me up to 6 times a day. (in fact, on four consecutive morning at around 8:10am).  all calls were routed through south carolina, as indicated on my caller id.  by the 3rd call,,,,,,,,,,,,i just said......i will only address my account with an american rep..............they were never able to accommodate me.  now. i just hang up.   after 2-3 weeks of this.......the calls stopped.
i called verizon, not AT&T, for assistance on a related AT&T problem.  verizon did a 3-way call with AT&T....we got an american in THE USA.  my account was then adjusted by more than half.  the AT&T rep told that AT&T is losing a lot of business because of the indian problem that i described.............and there is so much more to say if i had the time
dell computer has outsourced to india----   my experience with their tech support is that they are excellent---but very,very,very difficult to understand them.   so when you have to configure your computer where each letter/symbol is critical...................oh gosh.   dell's customer service operators in india are horribly rude assholes, also.
so, Scott and other caring MOPOers, you want me to call aol and deal with  india?   i am not opposed entirely to calling aol----because i want this MOPO email---but i need advice as to what to tell them.
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