
So I replied to him about that, stripped out all the links he'd asked
for to look at some posters, made sure there were no "offensive" words
or ones that could be construed that way y some AOL filters and sent it
off into the ether and asked Freeman to contact me if he got it. So far

Same here, I have spent 4 hours trying to figure out which URL was the
Even splitting it up with spaces or making it plain text didn't work.

The final attept I made was to zip en email text in a password protected
Attach that to an empty email.

Helluva job to do but in extreme cases it might help getting through to
the receiver unless they think its a virus.

This way AOL can't scan the message anymore, both attachment and content
that is.
They warn the receiver about that too. Something like 'attachment could
not be scanned, may contain a virus'
There is no mention about email content scanning however which is
probably best for them because that way there is no physical proof that
they do.
If there was they were probably in court by now..


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