hey Mopo... I took my son back Saturday to www.twistednightmareweekend.com
and we met the Girls From Evil dead.. and a actor iwasnt familier with "
Kenny Miller" he was a actor from the days of Golden Hollywood I really
enjoyed him.. he was in Touch of evil- orson wells and puppet people , and"
i was a teenage werewolf "to name a few.. he has a site
and  you can contact him via email .. he lives in Florida. he will be in Uk
for a show soon...
hes a terrific Guy. the guy has had a 50 year carreer!!!!   he was also in
many movie mags i the 50s...
 my son met a great indie film maker called Low budget Films out of
Rochester NYC that has distribtion through Tromo stidos who did Toxic
avenger and temp films Hr Bookwalter who had sam raimi finance projects,, so
he was inspired beyond belief as the Guy let him holdthat camera he wants a
panasonic Dvx-100 mini dv...

so meanwhile we continue to sell on ebay.. although I will take a week off
for fun and recreation..
1st official vacation since 1990.

also.... Robynn Griggs did a great job of putting on that Horror show.

wow.... so many interetsing people!
no business like showbusiness!

best, Tom

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