These are all wonderful gestures; I love when we can put politics aside for
now and I am happy to contribute to such funds.

** BTW, Abe Allen, another MoPo member, is donating $1300 (a percentage of
proceeds garnered from eBay sales this past week) to the Salvation Army.  A
great group this is...


----Original Message Follows----

Subject: MOPO Fund -- personal pool for our friends
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 01:58:30 -0500

I know we've all been giving this past week, but reading Sue's message you
can't help but realize that things are even worse than we realize and that
this is an extraordinary situation -- and that it will continue for some

There are also other members of MOPO in the affected area. We've heard just
a bit from Joe Bonelli who is still unable to get back to his home. We
haven't yet heard from Fred Sliman. I think there are at least one or two
others in the area whose names don't come to mind at this moment.

Anyway, I've just done something I've never done before.

I've set up a fund pool to benefit any member of MOPO who is affected by
this. Any donations will be pooled and distributed evenly every Monday to
any exisitng member of MOPO whom we can identify as affected. This way even
a small donation of $10 bucks that you might feel uncomfortable sending to
an individual can be pooled into a sizeable amount and given, in effect,
"anonymously" -- or rather, be given "from all of your friends at MOPO".

To expedite matters and keep good records, the fund will take only PayPal
donations using this email address:


The needs and the stress from this unprecedented event will be affecting our
friends for quite a while. I think this could be a small help and comfort
that virtually all of us can afford to extend. After all, 400 plus donations
at even $10.00 each is over $4,000.00.

-- JR

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