Title: AOL Email
I have to completely disagree with the line:
"In most castes, linen-backing will increase the value of a poster."
That's just wrong. Given identical posters in the same condition, with one of them linen backed , the only increase in value will be to figure in the cost of doing the linen backing, generally around $75... maybe. But, as you correctly point out in the previous paragraph, for many collectors linen backing a poster that did not require it for restoration work will actually *lower* the value of the poster in their minds compared to what it would have been worth if it had been left unbacked.
The only thing that can be done to a poster to increase its value is professional restoration.
Linen backing a poster that doesn't need it can prevent the poster from suffering accidental damage from rough handling and make it easier to hang on the wall, but that's it.
So, I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you can say that linen backing alone will increase the value of a poster "in most cases".
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 20:52
Subject: [MOPO] linen backing

 Hi John,
I put this on my site on the linen backing page.

Linen Backing is not recommended for all posters:


Linen backing is NOT recommended for newer posters, double sided posters, or for older rolled posters that are still in Near Mint Condition and need no restoration.


For older folded posters: If you don't like fold lines and/or it is not in what you consider "displayable condition", and you purchased it mainly to display and enjoy, and you are not very concerned about its "investment potential", then we recommend you go ahead and have it linen backed and preserved. If you are a die hard movie poster investor/collector, you may want to think twice about having an EX C8 or better condition poster backed. There is a belief among some investor/collectors that unrestored posters will command a premium over restored/linen backed posters.


In most cases, linen backing will increase the value of a poster.



David A. Lieberman
602 309 0500
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