A proposal to have members of the group contribute
vital information needed to deal with Ebay, Paypal, et
al.  Perhaps to be organized into a FAQ.

We all have horror stories of their negligence,
arrogance, intransigence---and other corporate sins.

Perhaps the greatest tool necessary in dealing with a
stone-walling corporation is Small Claims Court.
Inexpensive and effective---with issues decided, not
by corporate TERMS OF USE, but by logical community
legal standards.

For instance, I would like to know:  Who has been
authorized by Ebay's Articles of Incorporation to
accept Service of Process on behalf of the corporation
in California.

It would behoove members of the group to put all such
pertinent information together into a Survival
mutual beneficial concerns.

Email addresses, phone #'s, URL's of helpful info,
successful strategies, etc etc etc

(Best to go easy on personal Horror Stories, lest the
Survival Kit turn into a screenplay for a melodrama.)

I am too paranoid to use Paypal---and for good reason.

My contribution is this URL, illustrating why it is
suicidal to put your bank account (or even credit
card) in the hands of a corporation; with whom you
have absolutely no mutual respect, leverage,
opportunity to redress grievances, etc etc etc


Hopefully, others will also contribute similar vital
information, useful in dealing with these Monoliths.

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