It's got people talking about how indispensable he is to the business,
how awesome for the hobby, what a relentless promoter he is ...

I've got to give him credit.  It's like getting to read your own
obituary praising you -- while you're still alive.

All hail the Mighty Bruce!

S Bashi wrote:

Danny has made the most sensible post on this subject

Of course no one is going to pay $2m for a business without looking at
what the income stream is and what the assets are

and Of course this is just a publicity stunt......

But has anyone stopped to think how much eBay has already earned on
this listing as listing fees ??
How much will the final value fees be if anyone is stupid enough to
put a bid on ?

But who cares.....Because  its got you all thinking and talking about
him !

Oh I am sorry have I some how just stumbled on what BH was trying to
achieve??  Call me cynic.


Siamak Bashi

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    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Danny Steward <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, November 09, 2005 7:20 PM
    *Subject:* [MOPO] Big Bad Bruce

    Sometimes MOPO really cracks me up!  This is supposed to be a
    savey bunch of
    show business characters who can look thru any deal with X-Ray
    eyes and jump
    at any deal like a 50 Foot Woman.  What did Gov Arnold say about
    girlie men
    not understanding how the deal comes down.  After what seemed like
    months of
    Al chat, who-knows-what posters not delivered on time, etc., and other
    seeming endless email's along that subject and other massive lists
    of please
    buy my same old posters....  Bruce posts his deal on Ebay.  Buy my
    Please!  For two million dollars.  And suddenly MOPO wakes up like
    'ole Rip
    Van Winkle.

    Big Bad Bruce knows the Business.  This is show biz folks.  Let's
    put the
    dame in the grass skirt out front, cue the tom-toms, and ballyhoo the
    suckers in.  Step right up!  And you all walked in!  Eyes popping,
    flapping, geeze, you guys are worse than the White House Press Corps.

    Go back are read the Ebay post.  Thanks Freeman for laying out the
    Who is going to sign, seal, and pay 2 Million and say yes to ALL
    those read
    between the lines agreements including taking on his valued
    employee.  And
    never once mentioning inventory!  La De Da!

    Bruce you did it again!  My hats off to you.   I just love show

    Danny / Seattle

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