Cary Black... you won auctions at MoviePosterBid, but neither the seller nor I can get in touch with you because when we send emails to your or addresses our messages bounce back BECAUSE YOUR MAILBOX IS FULL.  Of course, maybe that means you won't see this message either. But if you do... please clean out your mailbox so people can contact you and please reply to this message in private letting me know we can send you messages again so that your invoice total can be sent to you.
Sorry to bother the rest of MOPO with this -- but it brings up an important issue. If you're using one of these free mail services like lycos, yahoo, google (even some paid services like AOL), etc. where they place a limit on the number of messages you can receive in your inbox, please make it a point to clean out your mailbox on a regular basis. With all the spam flying around, it's easy for a small mailbox to get full and stop accepting new messages. Every week while trying to run I get numerous mail bounces from members because someone's "user mailbox is over their quota".
It's frustrating.
-- JR

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