personally I take the images with the HIGHEST resolution setting. Then
readjust the size (same time adjust colour balance and cropping etc) in

If you take the BESt shot first you cant go wrong, its not going to work if
you need to enlarge for whatever reason if you start small.

So i say TAKE IT BIG, reduce and save a copy - keep both vesrions, someone
might email and say HEY CAN I GET A BIGGER SHOT?

Good luck,


--------- Original Message --------
From: Saul H. Chapman, Ph.D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MOPO] Take your Best Shot ...
Date: 17/01/2006 10:56

> Fellow MoPo-ites,
> &nbsp;
> When you are taking digital pictures of posters so
> that you can include them in your eBay, Movieposterbid, etc. auctions,
> SETTINGS ON THE CAMERA do you use?&nbsp; My guess is 640 x 480 at a
> setting, but I might be wrong on this.&nbsp; Obviously, those who want to
> blemishes to the poster might want even lower settings.&nbsp; Anyway, what
> your thoughts?
> &nbsp;
> Medium 1 (1600 x 1200 pixels)
> Medium 2 (1024 x 768 pixels)
> Small (640 x 480 pixels)
> &nbsp;
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> &nbsp;
> Saul
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