I'm the one who started this, so I guess I should jump back in. I am as big as horror fan as they come, but I don't enjoy watching one human being inflicting pain and suffering onto another human being (unless its boxing under The Marquis Of Queensbury rules). Few movie collectors or horror fans my age (50 or older) grooves on slasher flicks (zombies yes-slashers no) we opt for Dracula, Frankie, Wolfie, the Mummy and the like, because they do not exist in the real world, serial killers and maniacs do exist and their cruelty should not be glorified. Many of my younger horror friends love the slasher crap, as does my own daughter, but thats what the media taught them. The media could never convince me that violence is entertaining. Let's take Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I respect Gunnar Hansen of TCM (whom i've had the pleasure of hanging out with) as an actor, and above all as a fine human being, the guy writes poetry, takes pictures of rock formations, and even enjoys a good cut of beef on occasion, but even he can't understand the public's attraction to his character, Leatherface. All good things must come to an eventual end, as did the classic horror/sci-fi film. Abolish the modern day "horror" film! Leave the scenes of violence to CNN & LONG LIVE BELA, BORIS & THE CHANEYS!! the doctor 
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