If only. James Bulger was nearly 3 when Robert Thompson and Jon Venables
murdered him, and he was only a "playmate" in the most horrible sense of the
word. One of these kids is now a father himself. What's the one thing these two
had in common? No, not Child's Play 3. A crappy homelife and crappy parents.

Really, the issue here is parenting. Small and young children shouldn't be
seeing horror films, period. Adults, they can make up their own minds. Seeing
Halloween didn't make me want to kill my brothers.

Likewise, the "influence" of media. Kids minds aren't fully developed, adults



> How about the incident in London a few years ago, when two young boys (I
> think I recall them as being 8 and 9 years old) beat to death their 5-year
> old playmate over a period of several hours... not in an instant of anger or
> in revenge for something... but just as a game they were playing? Again,
> middle class children, not savages in a jungle or third-world children grown
> prematurely old by the depredations of genocidal local warfare. How about you
> cite me some examples of things similar to the London incident that happened
> 30 or 40 years ago?
> Enough. The trend is clear to anyone who cares to look. But as I said, we
> have drifted way off-topic, so I've said my last on this for now.
> -- JR

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