I actually already wrore about my first poster...the one sheet from
MACABRE I bought...but I then started buying tons of stuff from Theater
Poster Exchange back in 1964. Lobby sets were $2.50, one sheets 75
cents, half sheets & inserts were either 50 or 75 cents. All prices were
the same , regardless of the title. I had lots of major 50s sc-fi/horror
title in a little trunk in my bedroom. (Unfortunately, I sold most of it
off in the mid-to-late 1980s...just before the prices exploded!)
   I met a great guy named Malcolm Willits in Hollywood during a family
vacation, and he was very supportive in my interest in cinema material
(my parents just thought I was nuts!) He sold me a DEVIL COMMANDS one
sheet for five bucks, and lots of other wonderful material in his store.
In 1964/65, he turned me onto someone who had original Universal
material for sale. The prices were outrageous!!! Why, they wanted as
much as fifty bucks for stuff from BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN and THE WOLF
MAN! I tried to borrow the money from my Dad to buy some of the
material, but he just said absolutely not and tried to get me interested
in collecting something more normal...like..stamps or coins.
   Boy, if I just had a time machine to take me back to Hollywood Blvd
in 1964, I'd pony up that fifty bucks fearlessly , come back to 2006,
sell the BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN poster, and buy my Dad a nice house.
That'll show him!
   The hobby has certainly changed price-wise in the last 40 years, but
it's remarkably similar in many ways!
Greg D

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What was your very first poster?

Great question Michael...of course it may "date" a few of us... :)

I'd like to break this down into 2 parts--the 1st poster I ever owned and
the 1st poster I ever paid for.

My local movie theatre manager started giving me one-sheets when I was in
High School writing reviews for the school newspaper. I "needed" them for
the credit information when I was writing my reviews, or so I told him! (I
hadn't ever heard of a press book at that time, not that my small-town
theatre would have had one anyway!)

He gave me the one-sheet for "Paper Moon," which I still have today. I
wanted "The Poseidon Adventure" but he'd already given it away.

The first one-sheet I ever PAID for was "Summer of '42" which I bought via
mail order from Marc Ricci's (sp??) Memory Shop in New York. I think I


$2.75 for it. Incidentally, "Sumer of '42" was the first R-rated movie I


able to see "on my own", so buying the poster seemed logical.  Of course


movie is rated PG today.

MoPo List Owner

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List On Behalf Of Michael Danese
Subject: [MOPO] What was your very first poster?

My first poster was an insert from Bridge on the River Kwai.  The cost was
$5. which I thought was a small fortune. I still have it.   It was about
1970 at an antique shop in Philly.  That did it for me.  I've been adding
ever since!

Michael Danese

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