As I noted to another MoPo friend earlier:

The "Crash" win was a still a stunner. Never mind that I didn't like "Brokeback" as a Best Picture winner, I was still open-mouthed shocked. A string of victories akin to "Saving Private Ryan" and then "clipped" on Oscar night? I agree though -- when the SAG awards were given out, I thought to myself Brokeback wasn't a sure thing, but still a safe bet. LA and NY film critics' choices never affect most Academy members (though they do help hone down finalists), but the Globes, SAG and more recently, BAFTA, do have an impact. (Many stars show up to such affairs.)

I just didn't want "Crash" to be the picture to knock Brokeback off its pedestal because other pictures were better. My personal choice was not "Crash" but "Capote." But of course my opinion doesn't matter.

I also never figured in the residency of Academy members being overwhelmingly LA. I didn't know the figure (80%) was that high. This may explain why NY-based directors such as Scorcese and Woody Allen haven't won a Best Director or Best Picture award since 1977. Funny this anti-NY-trend hasn't hurt foreign directors who've won Best Picture or Best Director, e.g., Bertolucci, Polanski, Forman, Ang Lee, Attenborough, etc.

You guys should read Kenneth Turan's mildly bitter analysis in the L.A. Times. He seemed especially perturbed about what happened.


----Original Message Follows----

Subject: Re: [MOPO] ANALYSIS:  Should'veseen signs of "Crash" coming
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:30:14 -0500

While this is an excellent analysis of the process and the innner workings of the Awards, the simple fact is that more members of the Academy liked CRASH than they did BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. It may have been a matter of one vote difference between the two of them, or it may have been hundreds. I'm not sure we'll ever know or that it really matters.

-- JR

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