Personally I think she looks like a drag queen and not near as good as some of our West Hollywood home grown queens. Just a thought.........out there a bit, I know...........but what the's Friday!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Off Topic: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is not merely OFF TOPIC, she's off her rocker as well.  
When I see her, now, I simply turn her off.  I think that all 
thinking people realize that her meanness
is part of her act.  I don't mean her conservative views aren't 
genuine, but she has
used her nastiness and her looks effectively to become noticed.  
Everyonce in a while you need a vile voice to be actually heard so 
that people can recognize it for what it is.  If she wants to 
cultivate her image as a creep, she has succeeded.  I don't have to 
listen to her and I don't.

People say that she is good looking.  Personally I think Verna Felton 
or Broderick
Crawford is a lot better looking than she is.  Pinky Lee was a lot 
prettier than she is, and Marjorie Main is hot compared to her.  I'd 
rather have sex with Rondo Hatton than her anyday.    She's a reedy 
brittle blonde all right, but she's no Grace Kelly.

Someone gave me an Ann Coulter doll, and I keep it in MovieArt's 
office on display.
It sits atop my George W. Bush Top Gun doll.  These things are 
priceless; for everything else there's Mastercard.


On Jun 9, 2006, at 1:42 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

> Vic
> first before I go into this I want to say I have no gripe with you.
> now said,  I want to say I have a huge gripe with what you have 
> said here. How do you equate a guy sleeping around with a dumb 
> idiot blonde saying widows are having fun being in the limelight 
> because their husbands were assassinated?
> The reality of Coulter's statements show how cold hearted the 
> Conservative has become in America. You have on one side 4 widows 
> whose husbands were taken from them so a terrorist group could make 
> a statement about their hate for America. On the other you have a 
> Conservative pundit making an incredibly insensitive & ignorant 
> statement that I can't see any person, liberal or conservative, 
> finding any justification for and a statement that only adds to the 
> horror that these 4 women she was referring to must live through 
> every day for the rest of their lives.
> What is really a shame is that not one Conservative commentator - 
> nor any Conservative lawmaker has come out & criticized Coulter for 
> her scurrilous words. But it isn't really all that surprising 
> because one reality about Coulter is that (if you watch her 
> comments often) she is without a doubt one of the most insensitive 
> people I have ever seen in political commentary - and she is hailed 
> by the Conservatives in Washington. Don't you see something wrong 
> with that?
> Ann Coulter, while a very beautiful woman on the outside, is 
> without a doubt one of the ugliest people I have ever been exposed 
> to, however vicarious the exposure may be and for a party that is 
> supposed to be "religious & God fearing", I find her statements on 
> a regular basis to be un-Godly.
> Don't get me wrong, I'm all for balance in commentary - but your 
> comparison is pure hogwash
> Rich======================
> At 08:32 AM 6/9/2006, Victor Medina wrote:
>> Joseph Bonelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One wonders if this woman has an aging, deteriorating and ugly 
>> portrait in a closet at home!
>> That's pretty funny...I always thought the same thing about 
>> Hillary, only it's Bill's Presidential portrait without his 
>> wedding ring.  Sorry Joe my friend, just trying to keep it 
>> balanced! :)
>> But to get back to posters - I wonder of anyone wants that one 
>> sheet (or was it technically a standee?) of Zarqawi's dead head 
>> the military showed yesterday when they announced they had bombed 
>> him to hell.  I'm sure there are a few VFW posts that would like 
>> one for a dart board.
>> Vic
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