Title: Post Message
The recent announcement from the Movie Nut that he had closed his account on eBay after 7 years trading there to concentrate selling on CQout  ( see full email below) prompted me to drop a line to MoPo land and remind buyers and sellers alike that there are other alternatives to eBay.
Increasingly sellers are getting fed up with paying listing fees on items which don't sell at eBay, and as selling performance drops off on eBay and the percentage of unsold items increases, the pressure on profit margins becomes unsustainable.
The "no listing fee" policy at CQout is particularly aimed at supporting sellers who want to list and expose their entire stock range to potential buyers.
For those who have not visited CQout for some time, we should let you know that we have couple of important new developments which may be of interest:
1- EasyPay
We now have our own in-house payment system which offers everything PayPal does in terms of speed and ease of use, but at lower costs. Also most importantly, it offers 100% guaranteed payment to sellers with no risk of chargeback!
2- Automated bulk uploads.
We now offer the facility to interface with seller's own database or web sites to list their entire range of stock on CQout automatically and little manual input. The system also keeps their listings upto date at all times. For the seller it saves a huge amount of time and administration because all they need to do is keep their own site upto date which is something most sellers do anyway.
If any of you sellers want to discuss what we can do for you feel free to drop us and email or give us a ring ( Oh yes that's something else you won't find on eBay, customer support telephone number !!! )
Siamak Bashi
Managing Director
"The Most Trusted Online Auctions"
CQout Ltd is registered in England No 3848004
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: MovieNut Leaves eBay for CQout

Dear Customer,

        You have kindly bought movie or other items from me in the past.

I have now stopped selling on eBay after nearly 7 years with them.

However, the good news is that I am now using another great auction site www.CQout.com

I have just listed lots of my movie items on CQout, and to browse these, just clickon my ShopFront link below:



I look forward to your custom and hope to serve you as well as always



PS. If you think this is spam, it is not so, To reassure you that this is genuine, I can, if you wish, advise you of the item(s) you have bought from in the past and the dates(s).


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