C'mon... you know no one is saying that eBay wasn't a great thing went it started... and for many years after that. But ever since they grew out of control, went public and started issuing stock they have been implementing a *lot* of bad policy while at the same time aiding and abetting fraud just to keep those fees rollin' in. They complain that people are putting too much in their eBay stores and not doing enough regular auctions -- well, nobody put a gun to their head and forced them to create eBay stores in the first place, did they? It's their own fault this has happened and it is exactly what myself and many others predicted would happen when they introduced the stores concept. We all know that today's eBay is not the eBay of even 5 years ago -- and that's what people are complaining about.
I disagree that specialty sites don't bring in new buyers -- they not only can and do, but they are more likely to bring in quality buyers. Yeah, eBay brings new buyers into movie posters... and most of them expect to get $50 posters.
Sure, people have made good money on eBay and continue to do so, but that doesn't mean they are above criticism.
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 15:35
Subject: Re: [MOPO] stop eBay Bashi ng and CQout ways to use it for your benefit

This is another ebay bashi ng session which is nothing but nonsense carping without proper perspective.  Why can't you get it through your heads that ebay was a brilliant conception that changed the way we obtain movie posters.  It has allowed collectors like myself to amass an amazing collection, something totally unattainable in the past with only MCW, shows and auctions.  It has shown us what posters are truly rare and which ones are out there in large quantities.  It has given us a true picture of what posters are worth and not what people say they are worth.
For dealers, it has also been fabulous.  If it really is so bad why are all the major dealers on ebay?  Why are all the auction houses using "live" ebay in lieu of their little live auction in a small place?  Bruce, Heritage, Morrie, etc. never had it as good.  They are selling more than ever. Bruce just stated on the back cover of MCW that his consignments are tremendous.
There are more collectors than ever before and it is because of people searching for items on ebay and finding movie posters and getting hooked.
I can go on and on but the point is basically that ebay has been very good for the hobby and will continue to get more people into the hobby.  A specialized site will never displace ebay because it does not develop new collectors.  Ebay is a business and a company which must satisfy stockholders.  They are always striving to improve the business model and you should also strive to improve your way of doing business.  Isn't this why you signed on to ebay to begin with?  If ebay does not want you to inflate shipping  charges by including insurance, then make insurance an extra mandatory charge.  If the store prices are too high then hold auctions.  Stop blaming ebay for your inability to sell $5 posters for $50 like you used to do in the old days.  While I do not care for some of ebay's policies I search each day for posters and am very happy ebay came on the scene.
Claude Litton
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