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Sent: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 15:56:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Stereotypes

Thanks for your reply! I did post "to all" so let's see what anyone else might say!

I actually agree with you very much. Unfortunately, the Right does not
play so fairly. Tell me why the word "Liberal" has such a negative
connotation when the root of what it means to be "liberal" is good? I'll
tell you, because many of those commentators on the Right Stereotype on a
regular basis about the Left. I'm sick of it, especially when it is the so-
called "mainstream media." So, I'll stereotype all I want regarding
Conservatives, Republicans, and the Right Wing nutcases out there - sorry if
I offend in the process. I do wonder if that MoPo post suggesting that
critics of US Foreign policy are "America Haters" also received an email from
you regarding stereotyping - if not, why not?

The answer - if you do not like stereotyping then start criticising the Right
for routinely doing that, especially when representing "mainstream" America.
I am a patriot First, period.

Best Regards!


On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 15:17:48 -0700 (PDT), dianademail-lastmo wrote
> Personally I think it is dangerous and un fair to put any group of people
in a box, and attribute the same characteristics to each and every member of
that  group.
> This is how stereotypes are born and perpretated. And how they continue to
unfairly hurt and diminsh people generation after generation.
> Would you REALLY say, and mean, any of the following:
> "ALL Blacks are....." or "ALL Jews are...." or "ALL Irish are..." or "ALL
Scotch are..." or "ALL poor people are...." or  "ALL rich people
are..." , "ALL movie poster collectors are..." etc. (you get my drift), or,
the one  that really personally hurts and angers me the most, "ALL Italian
people are...."
> Of course not.
> Then why is it okay to put ALL Democrats  in a box, and ALL Republicans in
another?  Do you actually know ALL Democrats?  Do you actually know ALL
Republicans?   Of  course not.
> It is  always a better idea to look at people  as individual human beings,
without stereotypes, and consider their own strengths and weaknesses in your
own personal interactions. You may certainly know more than a few Republicans
not to your liking, and likewise more than a few Democrats who are true
patriots. But if you open your heart and mind you will see that you know also
some Republicans who are hard working,honest business people, and some
Democrats  whose status as "good citizens" may be sorely lacking.
> In the final analysis, it is more fair to say, "Some conservatives (or
Republicans)  tend  to..." or "Some liberals (or Democrats)  tend to.."
rather than lay a stereotype on each entire group.
> Old Time Cinema <[EMAIL PROTECTED] />wrote:"So you don't like
our President, okey he isn't running again, vote John
> Kerry into office. That is your right as long as enough of your fellow
> citizens agree with you."
> Uh, we did - Twice. Unfortunately, Republicans cannot stand to LOSE and
> must "win" by under-handed tactics, such as phone jamming, voter
> intimidation, voter discrimination, etc. If we all played fairly the Dems
> would be in Power - now THAT is an Inconvienent Truth.
> Remember - Liberals actually LOVE America and will do ANYTHING to protect
> idea of what America is. Conservatives, on the other hand, want to get rich
> and do not care who/what they have to screw over to do it. I'd rather be a
> Lib than a Con.
> "Conservative" = the new 4-letter word.
> --
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Life, I love you, All is groovy."
(59th Street Bridge
Song by Harpers Bizarre)

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