Now I get it... you are just a friggin' Troll.   LoL!!  Sorry I missed that.  Dave, is that you?!?!  ;-)

BTW: ALL of your posts have been public which is why I responded in kind - had you kept it private, I would have as well.  And, you are no "liberal" when you try to suggest that a fact (Bush lied, people died) is old news.   People are dying more often NOW than in 2003...but, I guess that is OK with you since you obvioulsy do not care about the young Americans fighting in Iraq.  Typical neo-Con.   Loser Troll.

On Tue, 1 Aug 2006 11:07:30 -0700 (PDT), Fredric March wrote
> Garry (mr. [EMAIL PROTECTED], now "oldtime [EMAIL PROTECTED]") - Your pathetic taking yr politics public constantly.  You don't belong on mopo because 99% of your notes nothing to do with posters, just angry insane notes with eyes bulging out screaming.  you say you talk posters many times.  no way.  you say you get plenty private e-mails of support for your politics.  yeh, define plenty.  how about maybe just 2 (at most).  Maybe 1 is more like it.  thats plenty? no one i know of, and i'm a liberal who believes your views give the rest of us a bad name.  bush lied, people died.  thats old stuff, gary, like 2003.  its 2006.  please comeup with something new.  you cant, you never offer anything to fix or postive or hopeful, just negative-24/7.  you just run on i hate everything.  you think everyone is wrong because they dont agree with you and you come off like your trying to convert everyone.  go to a pulpit for that.  not everyone has to agree with you.  take a break, a vicodin or xanax, anything to calm down.  give it a rest and keep your politics to yourself or go haunt some other internet board.  your the one scaring new comers away.  my notes were private and yours are not. 
> Scott Burns, if your listening, please consider banning [EMAIL PROTECTED] from mopo because he breaks the public-private rule constantly.
> by the way, its fredric march, not frederich march.  and that's my real name, after the actor, you twit.  whats your last name, gary the green-never-wins gibbon?
> ------------------------------------------------------------

> To: Fredric March <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] gary rattlebrain, the angry loser
> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 10:25:14 -0700
> Since you insist on name-calling - You are an uninformed idiot with a jaded perspective on what is just in America - which is MY country too, pinhead.
> I never hid the change of my emails - both still work, you ignorant flock.
> I talk movie posters all the time - just not here where people like you dominate and turn off new comers.  Get a life beyond MoPo, and you will be happier - and probably more informed.
> BTW - only little weenies hide behind anonymity, why don't you tell us all who you are smart least then we would know the idiot behind the rant.  Frederich March would be ashamed at you using his name for your tired rants.
> Like I said before - I may not post here very often anymore, other forums are better for movie poster discussion, but if you are going to equate an anti-Bush or anti-war position with "Hating America" I will speak LOUD and CLEAR.  Get used to it, or stop bashing those that have a different opinion. 
> Oh, and plenty of people have emailed me privately in support of my responses, they just do not feel "safe" expressing their opinions on MoPo because of jerks like you - too bad for MoPo.  Do you even read your posts before you actually post them?  I think not, your ability to articulate a rational position is severly impaired. Loser.
> On Tue, 1 Aug 2006 09:42:11 -0700 (PDT), Fredric March wrote
> > wow, you and your foul language, gary, thats your classy Santa Cruz degree talking, never about posters, all you bring to the table are your radical hate-hate-hate politics and of course you have to bring your poor kid into it with violins.  boo-hoo.  this is about you and even tho you changed your e-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED], everyone can still spot your notes, and they still prefer calling you fluffhead it fits. your notes smell, Gary, like sad whiny lonely things people ignore cuz they reek so bad that they can knock a pack of vultures off a manure wagon.  cant remember the last time you talked posters (ever), but do remember everytime you waa-waa-waaa when you get the chance to attack any govt. in power.  if we took a vote for sanity, you'd lose because you always lose, your never a winner, your never on topic, just this sad lonely political radical who doesn't belong because you add nothing to any topic about movies or posters.  Leave quietly cuz no one responds to you except a few fed-up people like me.
> >

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > To: Fredric March <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [MOPO] gary rattlebrain, the angry loser
> > Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 08:31:26 -0700
> >
> > Wow, resorting to character assasination I see.  It is what you do when you cannot honestly challenge a person' position.  I did NOT start this shit, or name-call, but if a MoPo can post something suggesting anyone anti-Bush is an "America Hater" then you will have to put up with me "poisoning MoPo" to give the other side of things.  You cannot post such garbage and not expect a response.  Bush is destroying America and the future for my son - so, yes, I'm a bit pissy about current politics.
> > I will ALWAYS respond to political content if I disagree.  So, why don't you take your Ann Coultergeist hate speech and shove it, Mr. "Frederich March." Loser.
> >
> >  
> > On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 21:32:40 -0700 (PDT), Fredric March wrote 
> > back to your old whining ways at mopo, you loser, always finding an excuse to poison mopo with your loser politics.  no one should take your bait, theyll just ignore you at mopo.  take your show somewhere else.  you seem like someone whos never voted for anyone who has won anything.  screaming, so angry the veins pop out of your head, eyes bugged out, spitting everywhere.  take a xanax and put your over stimulated brain and your bad breath away.  bush lied, people died, dusting off slogans so old theyre embarrassing. your the kind us moderate democrats dont need.  we wanna win in 2008.  but you sound like a wing-nut tree hugger radical with hatred so strong its scary just reading you.  offer a solution for us demos instead of tearing down everything.  or if your from another party, youhave no chance winning anything anyway. i bet your a hit at parties.

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