read all about my experience with Delta Airlines last night!!!

                                                                        220 Pulley Ave

                                                                                                Manahawkin, NJ 08050

                                                                                                August 2, 2006


Delta Airlines

Customer Care

PO Box 20980

Dept 980

Atlanta, GA 30320


Dear Sir,

            We had the most awful experience today with your airline.  We are frequent travelers on Delta and have not had any major issues before.  My husband was reunited with his 15yer old granddaughter after 13 yrs this spring.  We decided to bring her to New Jersey for a two week visit this summer.  On July 12, 2006 we booked a flight for her using our SkyMiles account to pay for the tickets. The confirmation number is DSKC9I, flight 5591 out of Burlington to JFK and the flight 6188 from JFK to Philadelphia.  At the time of the reservation the Delta Representative was told that Isabella Faulstick would be an unaccompanied minor.  This was made note of and contact information for both her mother and us was obtained.  All pertinent information for her was given to Delta.  We were issued the tickets and SkyMiles and credit card information was given to the Delta Representative to take care of the fees involved.

            Isabella’s experience started in Burlington, VT.  They did not have the information that she was an unaccompanied minor traveling.  This was straightened out b at the airport in Vermont.  She was almost not put on the flight due to overbooking.  When she left Burlington it was with the understanding that her connecting flight was still available.  At 4pm when we checked the status of her flight we found out that her connecting flight was canceled.  No one from the airline contacted either her mother or us to inform us of this problem.  We then called the airline and were directed to the re-issue department.  We started dealing with Jill in the reissue department at 4pm.  At this point Isabella’s nightmare began.  Jill managed to book her on a van to Newark from JFK.  When we reached Isabella to explain the situation she had already been to the Gate counter and been told to take the bus to LaGuardia.  Jill had already put the information into the computer and it was ignored.  We told Isabella to go back to the Gate counter and explain that this was incorrect information and to please tell her how to catch the van.  The Delta Representative at the gate was very rude and told her that they could not talk to her because she was an unaccompanied minor.  Isabella was getting increasingly upset and was crying.  We then told her to go to a different Delta counter and explain the situation. During all of this she was approached by a man who offered to drive her wherever she wanted.  Luckily she refused him and he moved on.   In the meantime Jill and her supervisor was trying to reach the Delta Gate no one answered the phone and when they finally did they just put the phone down off the hook.  At this point it was after 5pm and still no progress.  Isabella finally got someone to tell her she should go down to the baggage claim area.  This was incorrect information and now she was out of the gate area.  We told her to find a security guard to direct her to a Delta Agent.  He was unable to do so and she was stuck alone, hysterical with no one to help her. He also did not take her to someone who could help.  He just left her there in the terminal crying.   Jill and her supervisor were continuing to try to contact someone at the airport.  Around 6pm they finally managed to conference call with Isabella and to get a Delta Representative to find her.  About 6:15pm they finally made physical contact with her.  This young lady was stranded and hysterical at this point.  All she wanted to do was to go back home she was so frustrated and scared.  Through contact with her mother at this point she was booked on a flight home to Vermont the same day.  Throughout all of this Jill remained on the phone with us and tried to resolve this matter expediently.  Her efforts were thwarted by the staff at JFK.  At the beginning when transportation was arranged for Isabella to go to Newark we accepted a $100 voucher for the inconvenience.  At this point that is not good enough.  We feel adequate compensation would be to be refunded our SkyMiles and that Isabella be given round trip vouchers for her and her mother to use to come back to New Jersey.

            We hope that this matter can be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction quickly.






                                                                                    Barbara and Jim Episale

[Jim Episale]  
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