
There has been an interesting thread over on the always stimulating
discussion site "Not Suitable For General Exhibition" with the topic title
"Why are some at MoPo A-Holes?"

In light of the current uproar over Rick's less-than-complete description of
his Star Wars poster, I can now see why this group is perceived in this
light by some people. That's not a good reputation to have. Gee, I wonder
how we got it? :)

I agree that many eBay sellers (and in this case Rick) aren't completely
forthcoming in their eBay item titles. Whether deliberate or because of
space restraints it *IS* frustrating. We're all time-starved these days, so
when an item is in the wrong category or not completely described in that
title it can be a pain and a waste of time. JR does have a valid concern.

But this frustration shouldn't deteriorate into insult, and JR (no matter
how ticked off) shouldn't have implied that Rick is "behaving like a jerk."
I wouldn't think it wise to alienate potential customers.

We're supposed to be somewhat of a community here. If you really dislike
some of your fellow participants please make better use of your mail program
and BLOCK that person so you won't have to put up with their posts, or make
better use of your delete key. (Haven't I said all of this many times

Bad feelings run deep in this hobby--some "feuds" have been going on for a
very long time. I've never really understood most of them, nor have they
affected me personally. But the nastiness that crops up in this group from
time to time is really disturbing. How about keeping some of that stuff

I have to hand it to Bruce, though. Talk about taking lemons and making
lemonade. He's the only guy I know who can turn a controversy into a sales
pitch. Smooth, Bruce, smooth!

Just my nickel's worth,
MoPo List Owner

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