Wise words from one of MOPO's undisputed nice guys.
And he is kind with the compliments, too!  Thanks, Tom.
I like you because you are-- a nice guy!! 
Joe B in New Orleans
PS-- Perhaps we should pass on another great Strother Martin line-- this one from the John Ford classic, THE MAN WHO..etc.:  "Kill 'im, Liberty!  (Slobber, Slobber!!) Kill 'im!" 
Joe B

Tom Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Folks... I may be not able to  spell or use gtammer well... But I can feel emotion like a  bloodhound can smell a scent....

Take note.. that if you look back,, most outbursts on Mopo can be directly linked to world unrest and calamitys...

see people get testy when they are told a Popo bottle next to them may have some Bomb juice eready o take them out.

so no surprise to me  Prince of stresstopia that you all are just responding. venting to the current events..  

Theanswer....?? well  I have been seeking that myself.... Is it religion?   is it toys to make you forget?? Booze. drugs, sex??

NOPE...  I think it starts with LOve of our neighbors,, and Love of everyone... Thats what all teachers of any faith would say..

yet... some of these peopel are so angry they want to kill anyone that disagrees.... shit we even did it here.. remeber WACO???

BUT somehow I believe there will be justice,, and It wont be from any earthly leader...... personally  I have had a hard time believing in anything

but at same time I feel all Humans have a spiritual Bond that will have victory over all this sorrow and  wars that have never stopped since

eden.  It just makes sense.. Plus historically  this is all playing out as it was told. so I propose a Olive branch to all of you and suggest  we Imagine

that all MOPO is on the Titanic as scott said... and we all have only a few hours to say our thoughts to each other before we all perish

Now what would you say to Litton and  the Others..???  I would be sorry to see Toochis, Heim, Burns and the others GO..

so why not change the sails  and lets  tell each other what we LIKE bout each other.... I like Adrian the BIG lanky Scottish dude because he Likes BOND...

I like PJJ and VOLLIN because they have passion for monsters.... I like Joe Bonnelli because hes a survivor and radio nut and Greg Douglass weell because hes passionate about his art.... wo else... well Bruce   because hes the closest to PT Barnum Ive  seen,,  and  Morrie whos a legend
 there are many of You that stand out and as you cna see i would be babbling as the ship went under!! so just stop and smell the posters people!

end of sermon  # 8-14-06    

Scott Burns wrote:
Now I know how the captain of the Titanic felt as his ship sank beneath him.
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