Just talking about something this obviously stupid is playing into the studio's 
hands. The more people here about it, regardless of *what* they hear, there 
will be some who will then have to see it just to see for themselves. Reviews 
purchased in the major dailies don't count -- the biggies can be bought just 
like any other rag, it just costs more. That's why I now rely entirely upon 
opinions I see on lists like MOPO -- reviews from people I know and have some 
respect for their sense of film history and critical ability. Of course, for 
SNAKES, no review was necessary. The title and the trailer were enough to damn 
it for me.

Scene in conference room where obscenely high-paid studio execs are earning 
their bonuses planning marketing strategy:

"OK, now, we've got this action pic almost in the can, but no name for it yet. 
We need something that will really pull 'em in..."

"I missed the script conferences... what's this one about"

"Jesus, Fred. There was only one script conference needed for this one and you 
still couldn't make it? It's about a bunch of snakes that run loose on a plane 
and freak everybody out."

"What? We greenlighted that concept? The pitch about snakes on a plane?

"Yeah. Sure. Didn't cost that much... except for the PR side. But we need a 
dramatic and catchy name for it."

"It's just about snakes on a plane? That's it? Nothing else?"

"Yes, damnit!"

"Hmmm... do you suppose we could get away with just calling it "Snakes on a 

"Oh, c'mon, now you're just being... Hey...wait a sec... that could be gold. 
It's... what do they call it? Descriptive?"

-- JR

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