When you join MOPO or any on-line group for that matter, I assume that you do so for public discussions on whatever the subject matter may be. Just because I have to provide my email address to join the group, does not give any member of that group the permission or right to use it as a means of privately attacking me. I find it disappointing that people feel attacking members with private emails is an acceptable means of communicating. That some people find the act of forwarding such "private" emails more offensive than actually sending them, is beyond me. I assume that when you signed up for the list, you signed up for PUBLIC discussion, not for PRIVATE attacks. The person doing the private email attacking wouldn't have your email address, if it weren't for the list. They have taken your personal information (your email address) and used it for a purpose it was not intended when it was given.

As for the suggestions about changing posting to the list, I am happy to roll along with whatever decision Scott makes. I am more than capable of using my common sense to ensure any private attacks end up where they belong, and as I don't use the list as a means of being able to attack anyone off list, a change would have no effect to my posting habits...


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