A well documented  effort to set the record straight and your are quite right -- we do have a long-standing "preferred option" on MOPO for people who want to bash at each other to "take it outside" and continue in private a thread which started in public. It is not always observed, but it is certainly a well-established part of "normal" activity on this list and Jeannie's claim that you somehow fraudulently usurped her private email address from this list and illegally used it to send her unlawful emails is simply bogus.
Personally, I was surprised at the vehemence of your messages to her, but you were provoked and she did fire first -- and so if you chose to escalate you did have that right -- and at least you did use the "preferred option" of this group and made your angry comments privately instead of inflicting them on the entire membership. All through the ensuing discussion Jeannie has been acting as if she did nothing to provoke your messages... that she was just sitting around like Little Miss Muffet on her tuffet, minding her own business and innocent as a lamb and then suddenly mean old Claude just jumped out of the bushes and started sending her nasty emails for no reason at all, oh my... Unfortunately several people seem to have fallen for her act and rushed to protect the damsel in distress by proclaiming her act of posting your private emails in public as some kind of brave and heroic effort to "out" the deadly MOPO stalker...
...yeah, right... all of which may have made for some juicy melodrama on a drowsy summer's week on MOPO, I suppose...  but was hardly worth all the verbiage and bad feelings it has generated.
It is worth noting that this series of unfortunate events started off as a completely valid ON-TOPIC thread about movie posters which rapidly drifted off-topic because some people felt the need to throw in unnecessary personal cracks along with their otherwise valid commentary on the topic. Rudeness begets rudeness, folks. I think Claude was simply demonstrating that escalation can happen -- and if you want to start that particular mud ball rolling down the hillside, then you really can't complain if you cause an avalanche.
This group used to be pretty civil in the way we talked to each other, even when we strongly disagreed. I know it's been a long, hot summer... but how about we all get back to where we once belonged?
-- JR
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 14:56
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground and an explanation

Since you find my actions strange and disturbing I will explain it to you and the group.
The group has totally lost sight of what triggered this whole thread and Jeannie would not have received the private emails had she not insulted me publically on MoPo.  I do not desire to engage in nasty emails on MoPo and when someone insults me I prefer to reply privately.  No matter how eloquent or convincing a person sounds the bottom line is that my response was a result of insults being fired at me on Mopo and I remained silent publically because the rules are that there shall be no personal attacks.
There was a discussion going on about Rixposterz listings on ebay which deliberately omitted the fact that they were not USA posters.  JR and I had made comments about these his listings and Phil chose to comment.  However, he also chose to make a derogatory comment about me.  Phil had stated his opinion about these types of listings and there was no need for the personal attack which belittled and insulted me.  I chose a return comment  without going overboard, since Scott Burns has a rule against personal attacks. 
Jeannie then chose to send an email to the group with further negative sarcastic comments directed at me.  This is not the first time she has tried to get me into a nasty debate.  At no time in any previous emails, later emails or that particular email did she make a comment about the discussion concerning poster listings.  All she did was slam me.
A number of years ago there were many personal attacks on MoPo and Scott Burns enacted strict rules concerning personal attacks.  I have been a member of MoPo for close to 10 years, and enjoy it because it is a diversion from my business life.  I am not about to engage in an open conflict with any members in violation of MoPo rules.  On the other hand, when I am insulted and personally attacked, I see no problem in sending a Private Email to that person, explaining my feelings in the words I choose necessary to put my point across. 
Phil made a derogatory statement about me which began this situation.  He is correct in stating I know nothing about him.  I rebutted what he said with public words of my own and considered it publicly over.  Phil did not make any further public comments which was the right thing to do.  I do not mind debates, as this is what I have been trained to do, and enjoy them.  However, personal insults do not belong there, and I will not allow them to pass.  At the same time, whether you agreed with him or not, Phil wrote an interesting email concering the Rixposterz situation and was taking part in the discussion.
Shortly after my rebuttal to Phil's insult, Jeannie joined in with further insults without commenting about the discussion going on.  I chose not to have open warfare and deliberately insulted her in a private email.  There is a rule on MoPo against a personal attack.  There is no rule on the internet against a private personal attack.  I allowed her to insult me in an open forum with private retaliation because I chose not to continue a thread which was against MoPo rules.  However, I chose to let her know how I felt about her insulting me.
She then chose to make my email public.  I again remained silent because I was not going to let her drag me into a nasty back and forth situation on MoPo.  However, I read all the pertinent comments on MoPo concerning movie posters and all the time that she has been a member, I do not remember her ever making a statement about movie posters.  Since she chose to make my email public, I sent a second harsh private email.  I again did this to avoid public confrontations and abide by ebay rules.
She obviously does not like me and has been attempting to provoke me into a public fight which I choose not to participate in.  I see nothing wrong in emailing my displeasure to the person directly in a private email.  If the person does not like my emails they can very easily tell me in a return email to stop sending them emails and/or block my emails.  I only sent two emails and each was a private nasty reply to a prior public insult.  There was not a series of emails and there will be no more if she stops saying things about me.  I only sent retaliatory emails and I am not a stalker.  I did not initiate the insults, nor did I return insults in a public forum.  The private emails which were in retaliation were made public by the initial offender.
Sending an email privately in reply a public comment and never sending more than one private comment in retaliation is not stalking.  In addition, Jeannie said she would forward any private emails to MoPo and she said this on MoPo.  At no time did she tell me not to email her.  
I received quite a number of private emails commending me on my retaliation and there were no private emails that were derogatory.  Receiving and sending private emails has been a very common occurrence during my MoPo years and they are used for many things such as private poster dealings.  However, they are also used to make private comments without getting the group involved and if two people can duke it out privately, isn't that a lot better than involving the group in a disagreement between two people?
I express my opinion about posters and other matters of substance involving movie posters.  I have no problems with others who disagree with me and publish their opinions.  However, when someone posts a differing opinion from mine and ends it with  "Claude, grow up" then that person deserves a reply equal to his insult.  The same goes for others doing the same thing. 
At no time did I write anything nasty first.  Every single email I wrote was in retaliation to an attack on me.  I hope this clarifies the situation and maybe we can get some movie poster comments in lieu of personal attacks.
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