On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 at 10:32:29 -0700, Randall Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Oh, and for those who didn't have time to read koose's novel, or who had an epileptic seizure from all the flashing colored lights, what he said, in essence, was:  Jeannie, you're erudite, you make some good points, but if you don't play by the MoPo rules, Scott has every right to kick you off the mailing list.  Sounds good to me.

I have received two e-mails reacting to my novel-length post with the carnival lights (sorry) -- and I'd like to say:

1)  Randy Petersen's comments above -- have captured in less than 30 words -- what took me 3,000 to accomplish.  (Thank you, Randy, for reading my novel IN TOTAL).  This is EXACTLY how I feel about Jeannie's intransigient position and what Scott Burns should do if she persists.  If she doesn't like Scott's rules, no matter her rationale, she shouldn't have joined -- AND, if she breaks SCOTT's rules again -- I will support her suspension.  My stated "admiration" for Jeannie was mostly a response to her writing style (vs. its CONTENT).  I always notice and like people who are good with the pen.  But however convincing, you must sift through to find WHAT such writers advocate and WHY.

2)  I also read Claude's note yesterday.  Amazingly, I was asleep at the wheel.  I did NOT REALIZE Jeannie's position, that is, the part I find objectionable (her justification to take private notes public) involved Claude!  Had I known, I would've AMENDED my novel.  I don't think I would've changed what I wrote, but I would've acknowledged that I KNOW Claude.

3)  I've written about Claude in years past and I will re-state my PERSONAL view of him again.  I don't always like the WAY he disagrees (even though I agree w/most everything he writes).  I think the thing Jeannie (and sometimes others, especially new members) don't like -- is his way Claude can pound back in an e-mail.  It can feel terse, brutal and personal, e.g., "if you don't agree, I'll hit you into tomorrow."  This is his "public e-mail" persona.  And while I don't condone this style, public or private -- Claude's true character, in my view, is made of granite.


** I have spoken to Claude -- we exchanged numbers via PRIVATE e-mail -- (it may have started over a disagreement on MoPo years ago, what else?) -- and you WILL NOT BELIEVE how different he is, one-on-one vs. in an e-mail.  He is regal, gentlemanly, accomodating -- in a word, wonderful.  I've also never forgotten that spectacular 2002 profile about him in Hearst's-Dow Jones' Smart Money Magazine.  That's the Claude I know, not the sometimes scary, fearless and "take no prisoners" Claude others know.  This is because when he surfaces at MoPo, it's usually to challenge or support someone else's view rather than praise.

** Yet this reputation is not a true reflection of how he really is.  When you get to know Claude, you can disagree and discover a man with a lot of charm and charisma.  In fairness, it's because we exchanged phone numbers years ago -- again, VIA PRIVATE E-MAIL -- we called each other -- and I was shocked at how he came across, almost wise and paternalistic, protective of your views, while gently explaining why he disagrees.  Right out of an RKO movie.

** The suggestion, however oblique or even hidden in subtext -- that Claude Litton might have a "stalker's" mentality against people who challenge him -- is so ridiculous that it's laughable.  In sum, I am one of his biggest fans.  We're at opposite ends of many things, esp. politically.  And thinking back, I remember not liking him at first -- in the same way people don't like me at first (and still don't today).  But I got to know him and not only do I consider Claude an ace -- I consider him a friend.  

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