At 10:55 AM 9/5/06 +0100, Richard Dacre wrote:
>THE WICKER MAN has been a cult favourite in Europe and especially in
Britain for many years and posters have for a long time achieved high
prices. When the collectors market opened up with the internet, British
dealers like me gleefully bought up as many posters from the US at what was
for us bargain prices for resale. Of course, with the globalisation of the
market everything has levelled out, and you have as JR describes – what
might seem to many as inexplicably solid prices continually achieved for
the title.

I'm interested in which one-sheets from the Wicker Man 
have been achieving high prices (in the past or currently).  I 
don't think I've ever seen a non-US one-sheet for the film.  
And as far as I know, there are basically two styles on US 
one-sheet.  The horror style done by Warner Bros. for its 
test release of the film (showing the surprise ending [!] ) and 
the later independent release style (while this one has had 
several changes in text, the art has stayed the same).  One 
version of this latter style was included as a postcard in the 
"wooden box" release of the DVD here in the US.


Craig Miller         Wolfmill Entertainment        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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