
I have DSL... although it only just became available in my remote section of 
the Banana Republic of Floridia two years ago. But there are still plenty of 
people out there who are limited to dial-up because of financial reasons or 
availability issues. Since I remember what a hassle receiving unnecessary (and 
*large*) image files in my inbox was when I was on dial-up, I have sympathy for 
those who still do. But even with DSL when you get as much email as I do, 
unnecessary images in emails still slows things down. But connection speed 
isn't  the only issue. There's also image pollution. Particularly when images 
are being sent by people who are not optimizing the images and getting them 
down as small as possible. If we start encouraging images in messages on MOPO 
we are going to be getting many-megabyte sized images every day from people who 
either don't understand about image optimizing or simply don't care and can't 
be bothered. Now, If there were a crying need to transmit ima!
 ges to MOPO members, I wouldn't have any concerns, but I simply don't see the 
point now that we have extensive free image archives readily available on the 
web. And I don't see any reason to make the advertising emails any more onerous 
than they already are.

Like I said, I consider the unnecessary transmission of images in email to be 
image pollution. But if Scott and the rest of MOPO want to do it, I'll adapt as 
I said. I just wanted to voice my opinion that it's a bad idea... of if not 
"bad" then certainly frivolous.

-- JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Kusumoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 23:57
Subject: [MOPO] What kind of modem are you using, JR?

> ** JR -- this may be patently obvious, but I gotta ask.  Are you using a 
> high-speed connection, either a DSL or cable modem -- or are you still using 
> a dial up?
> ** It's vexing that a person like you, so prolific with your posts to MoPo 
> while concurrently involved w/your important business activities -- would 
> even make download times of e-mails imbedded with images -- an issue at 
> MoPo.
> ** I'm not a dealer, not self-employed -- but I've been using a cable modem 
> since late 2002.  I was forced to because more and more people with whom I 
> was corresponding began using it and it was increasingly frustrating to have 
> high speed connections at my office and then come home and be stuck with a 
> 56K dial-up.  I had to "get with the times" to stay alive, so to speak.  And 
> I've no complaints presently about seeing images in MoPo e-mails, though of 
> course I'd be in your corner if I was still using a dial-up.
> ** But it doesn't make sense, with Internet commerce becoming increasingly 
> more sophisticated -- combined with your daily personal and business demands 
> -- that download times would be an issue for you if you are using a 
> high-speed connection.  I'm afraid if we took it to a "vote" as you propose 
> -- you'd lose.
> ** Now if you're in a remote area and hence FORCED to use an ancient 56K 
> dial up modem, I understand your frustration.  I remember you once 
> mentioning that driving to your nearest theater is a major event.  So if you 
> live in a region where high speed access is unavailable, I think you're 
> gonna be stuck may end up being odd man out about this issue you're now 
> raising at MoPo.  Again, I was forced to high-speed because more people I 
> know began using it -- and my voracious need for business news for my job 
> requires visiting sophisticated websites that would be near impossible to 
> use via a dial-up.
> -koose.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> Subject: Re: Sending pictures through MOPO?
> Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 22:18:45 -0400
> I do know how to "work" my email program, having been online since 1982... 
> well before Al Gore invented the internet and email became a commonplace 
> activity. I have my email program set to display pictures because it is 
> necessary that I see the images in business-related emails I receive. It's 
> just that non-business emails filled with pictures slow down my business 
> operations (especially giant megabyte file-size pictures, which I guarantee 
> are going to happen if we embrace pictures-in-messages). But, of course, I 
> can set my email program so I only check my MOPO messages at a specific time 
> when the business stuff is over, so I can accommodate people sending 
> pictures if that's what everyone decides they want to do, I'll adapt. Since 
> MOPO has got along fine for 11 years without sending pictures in the 
> messages I don't see the point myself... we have huge image archives at 
> LAMP, Bruce's site and several other places like The Poster Image Archive 
> at:
> http://www.hundland.com/posters/main.htm
> Setting up a sub-folder to direct MOPO messages to would do nothing to 
> eliminate the download time. If I click on a message with a big image file 
> embedded in the HTML code, even if it's in a sub-folder, it will begin to 
> download the images. So, unless we come up with an identifier like "FA" to 
> add to the beginning of the subject line... perhaps something like "PIC" 
> that would alert people that the message contains pictures, checking MOPO 
> mail -- even in a sub-folder -- would still trigger the download time issue.
> But maybe have a "PIC" identifier in the subject line would be a good 
> solution... allowing those who wish to skip over messages with embedded 
> pictures in them to do so.
> -- JR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gordon DeVinney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 9:27
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Sending pictures through MOPO?
>  > I don't know what's wrong with JR's email program, but mine will display 
> the
>  > message without the pictures unless I right click and choose to download
>  > them.  JR should investigate better software, or make sure he's looked 
> into
>  > all the options on his existing program.  There are options to get around
>  > this problem.  Personally, I like the option of being able to see images 
> of
>  > posters in messages sent through MOPO.  We are collectors of memorabilia
>  > that is visual and graphic.  Why the heck wouldn't we want to be able to
>  > share and view images?  If they do not contain any viruses, I don't see a
>  > problem.  I would hate to be limited in this by some people who either 
> don't
>  > have a good email program or a clue as to how to use it.
>  >
>  > Gordon
>  >
>  > PS  Apparently using images in emails is also an anti-curmudgeon devise 
> too.
>  > Thanks for the suggestion JR.
>  >
>  >
>  > ----- Original Message -----
>  > From: "JR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:10 AM
>  > Subject: Re: [MOPO] Sending pictures through MOPO?
>  >
>  >
>  > > Scott,
>  > >
>  > > Ah, but you *still *have to download the images in order to display the
>  > > message on your computer, even if the email does "just" contain links 
> to
>  > > pictures on a web page somewhere -- it still takes time for your 
> computer
>  > > to retrieve those images from the web page and display them in the body 
> of
>  > > the message on your home computer. Like I said, this is no big deal if 
> one
>  > > or two people do it, but if all the sellers on MOPO were to start doing
>  > > it, it would clog up my inbox something fierce. Also, while Rich does a
>  > > great job of optimizing his images so they are very small file size and
>  > > download fairly quick, how long would it be before less-skilled or
>  > > less-courteous people start sending this list messages with the latest 
> 4
>  > > megabyte monster-size pictures they just took with their new digital
>  > > cameras? And if this trend becomes a fad, it would not be limited to
>  > > sellers -- anyone can create such messages. In no time at all, this 
> list
>  > > could be flooded with "Hey, look at the great new pos!
>  > > ter I just won" images or "Hey, does this poster look right to you 
> guys?"
>  > > messages. If that situation were to develop, it would impact my 
> business
>  > > during the day, which relies on timely receipt of emails, so I would 
> have
>  > > to consider unsubscribing from MOPO... now wait a dang minute...don't 
> you
>  > > people go taking that as the *best* reason yet  to start putting images
>  > > into your messages!
>  > >
>  > > But, seriously, I think this is a very bad idea. If Scott doesn't have 
> a
>  > > strong opinion on the matter, then I'd like to suggest a poll... formal 
> or
>  > > informal... on whether pictures in MOPO email should be allowed.  I 
> vote
>  > > no.
>  > >
>  > > -- JR
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > ----- Original Message -----
>  > > From: "Scott Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > > Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 17:48
>  > > Subject: RE: [MOPO] Sending pictures through MOPO?
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >> Banning pictures from MoPo wasn't the real reason for blocking
>  > >> attachments
>  > >> from the listserv. It was the danger of viruses being distributed to 
> list
>  > >> members as attachments.
>  > >>
>  > >> In the case of Rich's post (and others) the use of HTML simply directs
>  > >> the
>  > >> reader's computer via an embedded URL to a web site to retrieve the
>  > >> image.
>  > >> Images are not actually part of the post. With many of us now 
> connected
>  > >> to
>  > >> the 'net all the time with high speed connections, our mail programs
>  > >> automatically read the HTML e-mail just as they would any web page and
>  > >> display the images based on the HTML code.
>  > >>
>  > >> This shouldn't slow down the download of e-mail since the images are 
> only
>  > >> loaded when you view that message, that is open it in your e-mail
>  > >> program.
>  > >>
>  > >> The only thing you can do to not see the HTML generated images is to 
> read
>  > >> your mail while off-line, then your program can't go out and retrieve
>  > >> them.
>  > >> I believe you can also set your mail program to not display HTML or
>  > >> images.
>  > >>
>  > >> I don't really have a problem with HTML e-mail like this since I get 
> many
>  > >> commercial ones every day in HTML format.
>  > >>
>  > >> I haven't heard of any cases where viruses have been transmitted this
>  > >> way.
>  > >> Does anyone know of such a case?
>  > >>
>  > >> Scott
>  > >> MoPo List Owner
>  > >>
>  > >> > -----Original Message-----
>  > >> > From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JR
>  > >> > Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:42 PM
>  > >> > Subject: [MOPO] Sending pictures through MOPO?
>  > >> >
>  > >> >
>  > >> > MoviePosterBid.com Special Event Poster AuctionLately, several
>  > >> > people... including my buddy Rich over at MPB... have been
>  > >> > sending pictures through to this list embedded in their FA
>  > >> > announcements (the pictures are embedded in the HTML code of the
>  > >> > message so that the pictures get past the MOPO server's "no
>  > >> > attachments" filter). I for one really don't like this. I get a
>  > >> > lot of email each day, and adding pictures to the HTML code
>  > >> > really slows things down when I download my messages. It's no big
>  > >> > deal when only one person does it, but if all the sellers on MOPO
>  > >> > were to start doing so it would be a real mess. And, if a few
>  > >> > sellers do it, then why shouldn't the others? I'd really like to
>  > >> > see this trend nipped in the bud and from what I've seen there
>  > >> > are quite a few others who feel the same way.
>  > >> >
>  > >> > Since Scott has put on the "no attachments" filter for MOPO, I
>  > >> > believe that means he intended for no pictures to be sent to this
>  > >> > list, and just because some new technique now allows the filter
>  > >> > to be bypassed does not mean his intentions should be bypassed.
>  > >> > Scott, I know you are busy, but could you express an opinion or
>  > >> > guideline on embedding pictures in the HTML of messages sent to 
>  > >> >
>  > >> > -- JR
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