Since it's really not fair to call purchases from 20 years ago "steals" ("brilliant moves" would be a better term imnsho) I'll take a couple from the last two years on e**y.
First is an original 1 sheet for "The Pace That Kills" (lurid nekkid ladies in a martini glass) that was woefully mis-described with absolutely no key words that would have showed up in *any* searches other than by title.  It was a mess and had to be restored but well worth it for the <$25 paid initially.  Sellerdude was a real character and was apparently raising funds "to buy a gun - don't ask..."  Needless to say I didn't!
Second was more recent, an original German "window card" for the 1934 Brigitte Helm UFA sci-fi film "Gold".  Paid a lot (for me) but was ready to go MUCH higher.  Snuck through the cracks as all the usual f*****rs were apparently AWOL.  As close to an original German "Metropolis" as I'm likely to get.
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