Thanks for letting us all know. Obviously one of those glitches that can happen to anyone from time to time.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Warren
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: [MOPO] APOLOGY from Jon Warren and I Collect Movie Posters

***Please post this message to any other movie poster forums where it may be relevant to any new threads regarding this matter***
Due to a bug in our new email newsletter system many of our registered members have received hundreds of copies of an email we sent out this afternoon to registered members of our site.
I am horrified and TERRIBLY SORRY for this error. It was an ACCIDENT, we did not intend you fill up inboxes with multiple copies of the newsletter. We had fully tested it on a test server, but on the production server things went wrong.
Here's how it happened:
We wanted to have a custom email newsletter software system so that we could send out emails to those who have given us their email address when registering with our site. Sending emails to customers and member lists is a common thing, and we wanted to be able to keep our members informed about news at our site.  We WERE NOT spamming, we sent emails only to people who had given us their email address and agreed to our site Terms of Use policy. We did not harvest the internet for addresses. The only way you could have gotten an email from us was if you had signed up at our site.
We developed the system ourselves, opting not to use one of the many services for doing this sort of thing. We wrote the software and tested it many many times on a test server to a test list of email addresses. It worked without a problem.
So, we thought it would work exactly the same on the live server.  Obviously, we were wrong.
I hope everyone will forgive me for this error. I am truly sorry, and really at a loss for words. Needless to say, heads are rolling here and we will be up all night fixing the problem. We won't send out another newsletter until we are 100% sure the live server environment is exactly the same as the test server environment. I won't bore you with technical details, but in a nutshell a small server-side SMTP variable was different on the live server, which caused the email newsletter to get lost in a loop.
I'm horrified, disgusted, and embarrassed. I take full responsibility. I gave the go ahead to send out the live newsletter.
If you feel a need to send hate email or let off steam, please email directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Once again, I sincerely apologize.
Jon Warren

Jon R. Warren
iGuide Media
Chattanooga, TN 37409

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