Hi Koose

Have you seen INFERNAL AFFAIRS, the film that this is 'based' on (although, not a remake)? Just wondering! I thought it was excellent.

Am looking forward to THE DEPARTED.

Thanks for your impressions.


----Original Message Follows----
From: David Kusumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: David Kusumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MOPO] Scorcese's "The Departed"
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 00:51:05 -0700

** Before people start falling over themselves proclaiming Martin Scorcese's new film, "The Departed" as being his among his best, it isn't.  But when they say it's his best film since "Goodfellas" and "Casino," it's true.  After spending more than 10 years trying to "art" it up doing hoity-toity stuff that's unfamiliar to his palate, it's clear Scorcese will be to crime dramas what Alfred Hitchcock was to thrillers.  And like Hitchcock, he may never win an Oscar.  So what.
** "The Departed" film rockets off the screen during its first 30 minutes, then does a baffling stall for another 30, before zooming to a blood-and-gore riveting finish during its last 90.  Because of Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, e.g., Scorcese's best films -- you might say "The Departed" falls short of greatness.  But if you didn't know "The Departed" was directed by Scorcese -- you "might" say it's one of the best pictures released so far in 2006, with many more potentially great films to be released before Dec. 31.
** People are talking about the stellar turns by Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon and Alec Baldwin, but this picture belongs to Leonardo DiCaprio -- and, in my mind, stolen -- by a surprisingly spectacular Mark Wahlberg, in a secondary role I hope people won't forget.  The writing and editing during the film's last 90 minutes are vintage Scorcese.
** Since this isn't a review -- what follows is an impression.  I had almost forgotten what Scorcese violence is like on a big screen.  This, you may remember, was one of the major raps against "Goodfellas" when it lost the Best Picture Oscar to the politically correct "Dances with Wolves" in 1990 -- and "Taxi Driver" when it lost the top prize to "Rocky" in 1976.  In 1995, "Casino" got mixed reviews, with many noting that it was "the same old Scorcese."
** Well "Casino" has become more fondly remembered over time because of what Scorcese has directed since.  It still holds up while the films he's done since haven't.  The body count and gore in "The Departed" is comparable to "Goodfellas," "Casino" and "Taxi Driver."  It's so gruesome that even the most ardent Scorcese fans must still be warned in advance that what they're about to see on the big screen, 11 years after "Casino" -- that is, the stylish violence they "thought" they adored on the little screen (and I still believe MOST people, judging by box office receipts, first saw "Goodfellas" and "Casino" on video, not in theaters) -- that they could still be in for a jolt with "The Departed."

** There's an "in-your-face, matter-of-fact-brutal-truth" feeling to the violent images in "The Departed," and when you leave the theater -- (hopefully satisfied, which is unusual for most Scorcese films) -- those of you who've followed his career may resign yourself to the fact that really, after 35 years, urban crime dramas are what Scorcese does best.  Hitchcock's legend is similarly based on a single genre, and he was better than other directors who have won Oscars.  "The Departed" feels effortless because the guy behind the camera know the landscape of rats, moles, guns and cops better than anyone.

** You almost get the feeling that "The Departed" works for the very reason that it's not aiming for the fences.  Nothing fancy here, very few camera tricks, just fabulous cinematic story telling, especially its convoluted final 90 minutes.  Don't bring the kids.

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