Howdy y'all,

Who's begging, bemoaning, bleeding for someone to

Before you think you know the answer, please re-read
my original message.

The "Mr. Smith" in my previous message ... is not
referring to one particular person; it was an open
"cattle call".

Thank you for your assumptions.


--- David Kusumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Couldn't agree more.  It's unbecoming to beg, bemoan
and bleed for "Mr. Smith's" return.  Equally so when
"Mr. Smith types" -- publicly declare a hiatus or
self-imposed exile BEFORE exiting the ship -- a
phenomenon I've never understood as being necessary by
ANY crew member -- unless there's unfinished critical
business to resolve.  

Shelly's right, "Mr. Smith" has always, in my mind,
demonstrated enough boldness, brashness and
intermittent belligerence -- which some of us, myself
included, also have -- that if he really wanted to, he
could find a "workaround" to a forcefield that doesn't
exist.  It's not like we need to take a vote.  A
number of "Mr. Smith" types have previously stated
their intent to leave or to stay quiet for awhile. 
But most never go away forever, choosing to lurk in
the background or to rely on informants -- until they
themselves feel ready to re-emerge.  Some people just
need a break from the group, and vice versa.  And when
self-exiles feel more comfortable, they sometimes find
themselves sliding back into a discussion, just like
before.  Then they're chiming in every day, like our
most recent "Mr. Smith" -- who I believe stated he had
NO intention of leaving the ship permanently, but
planned to stay quiet for a while.  And that's fine. 
I know we haven't heard the last from him.  He'll
return when he's ready.



From: Shelly Whitworth-King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Shelly Whitworth-King
Subject: Re: Mr Smith
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 00:15:03 +0000

I don't think there's any 'force-field' stopping 'Mr
Smith' coming back, other than one he may have created
for himself.

I'm sure he could get around it, if he really wanted


----Original Message Follows----
From: allen day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: allen day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Mr Smith
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:14:23 -0700

Howdy y'all,

Anybody remember the TV show ... Lost in Space?

A crew of space explorers (with a small family) facing
a diff adventure every week which also had a character
antagonist by the name of Mr. Smith.

What little I do remember of the show ... Mr. Smith
was a central figure, a guy that always seemed to push
the envelope, a shit stirrer, a curmudgeon ...

It would have been a pretty boring show without that
fella ... huh?

Hmmm ... anybody know a curmudgeon we can call? (I may
regret asking this question).


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