Surely one way to get around this problem is to ask the seller, (via eBay`s  
Ask Seller a Question) if they are prepared to give you their personal e-mail  
addresss, and them yours, before the auction ends.    
Then, if an item doesn`t sell, you can contact the seller privately, and  see 
if a deal can be made.
One then only has to do a database of reputable sellers, (with their  
personal e-mails) who sell good poster/lobby card paper, and this eBay  
"problem" is 
solved.  Sellers can be contacted in the future, either to see  if the item 
can be "pulled" before the auction ends, or to be contacted  afterwards, to 
a deal.  
I can`t see eBay getting around this too soon.
_www.premierepostergallery.com_ ( 

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--- Begin Message ---
I see Kirby asked for my opinion of the latest eBay change. I just wrote about 
this in my latest e-mail club message. For any MoPo members not in my e-mail 
club, here are my thoughts on eBay's latest mis-adventure:

EBAY DOES IT AGAIN! eBay is constantly tinkering with their site (you know the 
old expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?; eBay's motto seems to be, 
"If it ain't broke we will tinker with it until we finally break it!"). What is 
their latest misadventure? They have taken all eBay auctions and made them 
"semi-private"! Their stated purpose is to stop all of the fake second chance 
offers that are made all the time, and they SAY that they are limiting this 
move to just items over $200 (because that is where the most fraud is), but I 
don't believe them for a second! If that were true, they would not have made 
the "view seller's other items" page not show the high bidders' IDs, only a 
weird "Bidder One", "Bidder Two", etc., because any scammer can still see all 
the bids on any sub-$200 item (and those that are still under $200, but will 
end up over). Only honest bidders are hassled by this latest development, 
because they can no longer see the list of high bidder IDs (the!
 y have to click on items one by one to see the high bidder, and they can't 
even do that if the item is over $200).
     What do I think is really going on? I think eBay has finally realized that 
a huge amount of sales take place "off site" and that many people only LIST 
items on eBay, but then contact the bidders (or prospective buyers contact 
them) and then a deal is made off eBay. I think eBay wants to stop this, and is 
using the "scammer defense" as an excuse to soon make ALL auctions private. I 
think that eventually buyers and sellers will not see very much about each 
other until AFTER the deal is completed (much as things currently are for 
sellers on Amazon).
     What does this mean for sellers on eBay, and for me personally? I think it 
will likely have little effect on my sales, since all of my sales were 
completely "private" for a couple of years (and before that, all my major sales 
were "private" as well). It was only a few months ago that I returned to all 
"public" sales, and there was little difference in them then, and I would think 
therefore this latest change will mostly be a "non-event" for me personally, 
especially since most of my items stay under $200 for almost the entire time 
they are for auction (and since all start at 99 cents, you can see the bids of 
those that end up over $200 while they are still under $200). For instance, 
this week just FOUR of my items are currently over $200 as of right now. The 
only likely change I can see is that those people who used to place early bids 
on items as a form of smart "advertising" for themselves (they know hundreds of 
buyers click on MY items, and if their user ID is on MY !
 items, some of those bidders might wonder who those sellers are and check out 
THEIR items for sale, and doing this is FREE to them!) may well now do far less 
of this kind of early bidding. But otherwise I think my items will be largely 
unaffected (especially since most of my items are under $200 for most of the 
time, and therefore you still CAN see the bidders; you just have to do more 
work to view them).
     But what about OTHER eBay sellers? I fear that this latest blunder on 
eBay's part will have a chilling effect on the selling of all over-$200 items 
on eBay. There has been a steady reduction in such items over the past couple 
of years, and I fear this latest move will likely accelerate that process. And 
I think that is the last thing eBay needs, for eBay is fast becoming a gigantic 
yard sale, mostly over-flowing with unwanted material, and a lesser and lesser 
number of true rarities (my auctions excepted!). I also am afraid that once 
eBay does what I believe they will do and expand this to ALL items, that it 
will be the nail in the coffin of most smaller eBay sellers. Many bidders were 
already afraid to bid with sellers they don't know even when the auctions were 
public. How will they feel if all the auctions are "private"?
     I may well make the next poll be about this latest eBay change. I wanted 
to first give them a week to see if they withdraw it (if there is a lot of 
public outcry against it). If it appears this latest move is very unpopular 
with MY buyers (or that it will have an adverse effect on my results) then I 
will accelerate my plans to sell through a venue other tha eBay! Stay tuned to 
these club messages for the latest developments!


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