it's interesting that for some reason I have had few bad situations on eBay considering all the buying I have done there

one seller: johnbarrymoreUK

sold me two photoplay editions. After the sale she wanted me to pay extra to use paypal, which as we all know - is against ebay and paypal rules. We argued for 2-3 days before I just sent emails to ebay & Paypal which really pissed her off

of course, I also paid the $29 to her for the books.. which I never recieved, and got negged by the f****** b****

I subsequently drove up the prices on about a dozen posters she bid on.. cost her about $300 to screw me

another seller : jsposters

sold me a 1 sheet for Man at Large, 1941 w/ George Reeves
the condition was noted as "some tape, nice poster"
the poster was literally falling apart in the bag. He didn't exactly refuse areturn, but made returning it a useless endeavour

yet another seller: superposters

why bother mentioning that those folks are considerably less than honest in my opinion and when I wrote them I got back a response replete with insults & cursewords. One day I may run into that cork soaker.. That will be fun

what did all of them have in common?? aside from being a**holes.... none of them got very much money. Less than $100 between them and eBay did nothing to boot.

a couple others screwed me also.. always for tiny money..

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