I saw the Bourne Ultimatum and I cannot reccomend it.
The hand held jerky fashion it was filmed was there to enhance the action,  
yet for me it made me feel nauseous after about a third of the film, the  
portrayal of Bourne was OK, but the film was just an extension of the first 
While the first film stands up a s single movie 2 & 3 do not and anly work  as 
extensions of part 1. 
I found this sequel dissapointing as I have most of the sequels this year,  
Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, etc.
I did take my Kids to see Transformers the other day, and I can reccomend  
that, with all the cheese it is still a good v bad movie that works with all 
Wait for Bourne 3 on DVD.


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