....i now get 99% for FREE the aol services that i used to pay  for.
the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back making me leave  aol (which 
i should have done sooner as recommended by membes here) was having a  problem 
with an  aol feature (it still doesn't work properly), and  getting tech 
support in india.
you wait, wait, wait.............then you get someone in india whose  english 
is not understandable.  i did get many rude indians with names like  Tiffany, 
Jonny, Sam, who did not even understand how the aol feature is supposed  to 
work.  the american techs agreed that the indian reps were  WRONG!!!  enough 
was enough.   enough english that i couldn't  understand.  enough 
so i left aol.  no longer paying.  so..........how profitable is  
outsourcing???  i suppose AOL prefers to lose PAID membership than pay  
reasonable salaries.  
had i not had the problem with the indian issue----i would have acquiesced  
to constant aol billing.  so it was a blessing in disguise.
SO FELLOW MEMBERS======consider FREE aol.....although many of you told me  
that already left or get the service for free.
AS TO THE SUBJECT LINE OF THIS POST........................   i  suppose if 
you live in germany, italy, spain, etc....... you don't get  outsourced to 

************************************** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

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