  I am so sorry for your loss.  I know this modern age of technology allows us 
to share our most personal struggles with people around the world, and know 
that although most of us do not know you or have never met you, we share your 
pain and offer our prayers, condolences and best wishes.
  I know it is hard to see how someone like Britney Spears - or sadly now, her 
sister - can seem have children at will, yet eager parents seem to struggle in 
the same situation.  It is easy to ask "why you."  I believe that everything, 
even painful situations, happens for a reason, and God never gives us more than 
we can handle.  What tests us today makes us stronger for tomorrow.  I know 
that given time, the sorrow you feel now will be replaced by joyful memories, 
like having to build bicycles with training wheels on Christmas eve and 
debating the authenticity of minty white inserts with your kids.  :)
  I pray the Lord will give you both comfort in this time and remind you of the 
faith that endures and strengthens in times of grief.
  Vic Medina
  The North Texas High School Sports Report    

clinton crews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          My wife last night started cramping and bleeding last night. We went 
to the doctor this morning
  and she confirmed that she did in fact lose the baby. This has been a real 
roller coaster of fellings
  but nature has a way of making sure that if there is a problem it do not go 
to far.
  I want to thank all the members that have emailed me through this whole 
chapter in my life.
  In the next two years I should be posting that we a going to have a baby 
  Just because this happened we will not let it stop us from trying again.
  The last 3 weeks have been the hardest ever on my soul but I figure that
  I will be a better person for it. This gives me more care for others who have 
  thought this type of experience. So I would like to say again thank you all 
  being the good people that you are.
  Clinton Crews
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