Apologies if this has already posted.  There is no indication on my email that 
it ever made it to the list.
  Merry Christmas, etc. from Joe Bonelli in NOLA:
  Hi, all, from Joe B in NOLA
  I have just seen the most brilliant film adaptation of a musical play I could 
ever imagine-- and (finally!) the film masterpiece that I've always known Tim 
Burton to be capable of!!!
  "Sweeney Todd" is simply fantastic!!
  Stunning performances from Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, 
Timothy Small and more and more!!
  I could go on but I won't. If you must read about it,  I refer you all to the 
unceasing pages of rave reviews pouring out of every paper, magazine and media 
critic imaginable.
  And if you don't like musicals---  well, there's plenty of gore to go around!!
  Seriously!  This is the film to beat for all awards this year.  Do yourselves 
a favor and head to the cinema asap!! 
  As soon as the young-and-old-kiddie-parade finishes (i.e., the holidays are 
over) I'm hieing my butt back to the multiplex to see and hear it in all its 
gleaming, grisly glory again!
  PS-- It didn't hurt that composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim and his perrenial 
orchestrator (Jonathan Tunick) and conductor (Paul Gemigniani) were on hand to 
gleefuly participate in the paring down of a work of art of one type into a 
work of art of another!
  Simply couldn't be better.
  PPS--  And despite this "bloody" message-- ,Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas 
and a Happy New Year to you all.

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