Not to exhume this long dead discussion but this is truly specious as a comparison. Sure, it's pleasing to the writer, but it lacks true merit in that the comparison is over the top. If we need to vilify to such a degree for our own argument to have any value then our argument is suspect in the first place. Or more importantly, we render our argument to appear less valid in our desperate need to be 'right' or prove others wrong.

I am a VERY liberal person, don't own guns and don't want to. So I understand people's need to hold someone responsible, to paint someone as the 'black hat' and to reduce a complex issue to simple elements in order to fashion a powerful argument, we do it all the time in politics and art (see Darth Vader). If only all things were so simple and easy. The problem is that in focusing purely on Mr. Heston's words and deeds we do ourselves no favors as we lose our 'aim' and don't focus on those who hired him and those who fight against even the smallest sensible gun measures at all costs (most often the cost of more lives) which most responsible gun owners do not find threatening.

Mr. Heston was a lightning rod, no doubt, but this was a distinct advantage to the NRA I suspect that there was likely manipulation of Mr. Heston
who's full control of his faculties is seriously in doubt.

Still, it is a no-brainer that the nature of our nation's relationship with guns is staggeringly complex and dangerous whether Mr. Heston ever became the NRA Spokesperson or not. So to accuse Mr. Heston as completely responsible for 100,000 gun deaths per year or even mostly so is ludicrous and akin to a diversion. One should not deny his influence as that of any corporate spokesperson, but to heap it all upon his shoulders and compare him
even remotely to Adolf Hitler is patently absurd.

Then again, I always reserve the right to be wrong. So, if I can find any study that shows there were zero gun deaths prior to Charleton Heston becoming the NRA Spokesman, and due to the death of Charleton Heston, all gun deaths evaporate, then I will accept the fact that I am wrong and admit that ALL the gun deaths were ALL due to Charleton Heston's "cold dead hands." Unfortunately there will likely be just as many or more gun deaths even though
Mr. Heston is gone.

I can only hope that I am wrong.


On Apr 26, 2008, at 6:26 PM, rodxmorgan wrote:

who had choice, negative words about charlton heston only hours after the actor passed away??

Maybe if his handguns had killed and injured a million people/year, instead of just 100,000---you
might also have the good sense to disparage his reputation.

Remember...there were more pictures taken of Adolph Hitler kissing babies, than gassing Jews.

"Springtime for Heston and NRA..."

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