In a message dated 7/1/2008 6:08:21 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

...uh, in a manner of speaking.
I already have my own page on YouTube but,  inspired by you guys, I've set up 
another one and dubbed it The  Movie Poster Channel.
I've already posted seven videos I found through  a quick search of YouTube 
plus the two I've put together myself so  far.
Now Showing: Poster shops in Tokyo and Mumbai,  awesomely bad hand-made 
Russian posters, a collection of separated-at-birth  posters, John Reid on the 
Richardson Studio and more.
I'll be adding more every few days and will  post here whenever I update the 
channel. And if you see anything you think  should be included, let me know!
In the meantime, tune in and have a  look:

I loved the "lookalike" poster compilations.  Despite the  fact that I handle 
posters every single day, I never realized that film poster  design was as 
derivative as the films themselves!

Marty  Davis
Vintage Film Posters
38732 N. 10th Street
Desert Hills, AZ  85086

623/551-6655 tel
623/551-6622  fax
OneSheet (eBay Screen  Name)

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