Everyone is going to think that I'm crazy but believe me this is happening.

I just found out that there is a glitch in Ebay's system that automatically
gives positive feedback to customers (at least mine) when I haven't done so.
This is the story.

I always leave feedback for a buyer when they leave me feedback. I go to the
"Feedback Profile" page to view their feedback then click on "view listing"
so that I can then click on the "Leave Feedback" line. In some cases there
is no "Leave Feedback" line in the listing so, I have to admit it, I've been
lazy and have not left feedback for those buyers. 

Recently one buyer specifically asked me NOT to leave feedback for them
after they left feedback for me. I complied. I then received a furious email
from the buyer complaining that I left feedback. But I didn't. To make a
long story short, after talking with Ebay today we discovered that for some
reason it's system has been leaving the default comment positive feedback
for the listings that I didn't leave feedback for. We don't know when this
happened exactly at the moment.

Their Tech team is starting to review this glitch to find out if it happened
to other sellers and why/when it's happening to me.


Has anyone experienced this? If you're like me and a bit lazy sometimes to
leave feedback for your buyers please check your "feedback profile" page to
see if what happened to me happened to you.


Very strange..







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