I was looking over the window cards I have closing tonight, and I was struck
by the low, low prices of cards with nice images of some major 1930s stars
(like Loretta Young, Joan Crawford, Mary Astor, among many others) in some
of their earliest movies (late 1920s and early 1930s).

Now most of the MOVIES that these posters advertise are long forgotten, but
I am wondering if those great stars themselves are starting to be forgotten
as well! Twenty years from now will anyone but die-hard film buffs remember
who Loretta Young, Joan Crawford or Mary Astor were?

I remember when I first got into collecting posters I was amazed you could
actually buy a poster from a 1920s or 1930s movie (I naively thought they
would be in museums!). I was further surprised when I learned that not one
major museum had a substantial collection of movie posters. I wonder if that
will ever change, and if it does, will it happen in my lifetime, so I will
get to see it?


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