OK, I knew there would be much variety and differing points of view as to  
what is/was the best TC show ever.
We all have our favourites and believe me I think we have only touched on  
the tip of the iceberg. 
I for one loved Hogans Heroes as well as MASH as well asDads Army and  
Porridge and many many more. I feel the greatest TV show made for it's 
and ground breaking rule bending attitudes was Star Trek not because of it's  
production but more because of it's dealings with attitudes and social  
understandings all under the guise of Sci Fi, that can never be denied.
Undoubtedly there are better TV shows and better writing since those heady  
times of where no man went before.
And how can we judge whether a TV show is good? I think one of the pointers  
is that phrases, characters and situations become part of the household daily  
converstaion is one thing, lets face it "This message will self destruct in 
five  seconds" became part of our daily life as much as "Scotty beam me up" 
(yes I  know the latter was not quite right).
But perhaps the other mark of a good TV show is when a movie spin off comes  
about. If a film is good and we get a follow on TV series that means the movie 
 was popular enough to not let the characters fade away. MASH is certainly a 
good  example of this. Although the film chracaters for me were so much better 
than  the TV version.
But here's the question MOPOers.
What is the best film to come from a TV show? At this time in Hollywood  
history old TV shows are getting makeovers and new actors for Movies what is 
I loved Mission Impossible and MI 3.
I also liked the Dads Army film. The Sweeny was not great but Sweeny 2 was  a 
good film. Addams Family was fun, The Star Trek movies are excellent (well 
not  all...), Twilight Zone was pretty good, 
Missed opportunities have to include Starsky and Hutch, a TV series crying  
out for a movie and what did we get? A pile of doo doo. Thunderbirds was 
another  pile of doo doo.
And a further question. What TV show would make a good movie?

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