She reminds me of Joan Cusack crossed with Texas  Guinon.    Incredible,  she 
calls many bidders out by their  names.  Boy, I know some poster people that 
would shoot her and feel  thoroughly justified by such indiscretion.  But then 
again maybe these  comix bidders like their egos being fingered.  
Boy, every comic book seems to be entombed and  thoroughly rendered 
un-enjoyable.  Like buying plastic coasters or  placemats.   Strange but who 
can argue 
with success?   
In a message dated 2/26/2009 6:24:01 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

she's  insane...LOL  

On Feb 26, 2009, at 6:19 PM, David Kusumoto wrote:

OK,  the Texas cowgirl is back on now, shouting like there's no  tomorrow...  
Alas, I'm leaving the office now...  Let me know  if she does a dance on the 
table in her cowboy  boots...

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:59:17 -0800
From: _davidmkusum...@hotmail.com_ ( 
Subject:  Re: OT: Female Heritage auctioneer who's entertaining me right now.
To:  _mop...@listserv.american.edu_ (mailto:MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU) 

But  she said she was gonna come back after 200 lots or so.  Gosh, I'm sad  
that it's around 1a now in the U.K.  She's something I've never  seen, that's 
for sure, but according to another fellow who wrote me who  really knows about 
comics, she's very familiar and can sometimes be  irritating.  I hope I see 
her again; she's like a Texas cowgirl selling  geeky comics as if they're farm 
animals, talking about "pedigree" and  origins and all that good stuff...  -d.  

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 00:51:14 +0000
From: ( 
Subject:  Re: OT: Female Heritage auctioneer who's entertaining me right now.
To:  _mop...@listserv.american.edu_ (mailto:MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU) 

Too late, she's gone and been replaced by some geeky guy.

On 27 Feb 2009, at 00:39, David Kusumoto wrote:

Someone just wrote me that  she looks like she escaped from a Howard Hawks 
film.  Well, the woman  said on screen that she used to wear a Wonder Woman 
costume as a kid and I  believe it.  But she just took a break and will be back 
later.   Now they got a guy on screen who really LOOKS like he collects  
 Her whooping and hollering and jokes and comments -- all of  her theater -- 
makes me wonder if she's having the effect of pushing up  bids amongst the 
newbies in the crowd.  It's like she's selling  cattle!  The thing that's  
amazing -- and it should be addressed -- is how comics make movie posters  look 
small potatoes.  Comic prices are in outer space, way  HIGHER than Universal 
Horror; unbelievable!  Man, I feel  old.  This thing is supposed to last for 
another 300 lots or  so....and I think is gonna continue tomorrow.  -d.

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 16:01:35 -0800
From: _davidmkusum...@hotmail.com_ ( 
Subject:  OT: Female Heritage auctioneer who's entertaining me right  now.
To: _mop...@listserv.american.edu_ (mailto:MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU) 

I'm  don't buy comics anymore, but there are a few titles I am tracking at  
Heritage.  Well, I think if you're interested, you ought to go to  Heritage 
Live now and check out the live video feed.  There's a woman  auctioneer now on 
screen who is funny and engaging and really knows how to  project and speak 
faster than a Maserati.  And she's a hard  seller.  A big difference from the 
stuffy and starchy auctioneers  I've seen in NY and London.  Go to:

_ ( 

..and  click the Live Auction / Bid Now button.  Sign in and check it  out.  

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